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Hood's Cures Mazel Sutterfleld Detroit, Mich. Saved Her Sight Medical Science Faüed Anotlier Wonder Perfortned by HOOV'S Sarsaparilla. " My little girl, Hazel, is now four years old. Two years ago she liad the Grip. After recovery her eyes grew inflamed and suppurated. For over 7 months sho had to have her cyes bandaged and stay in a dark room. The family doctor aud an ocuUst did everythiug possible. She did not improve aud even grew worse. At last after six months he gave us the discouraging opinión that the cornea of one eye was destroyed And Sight Entirely Cone That it was doubtïiil if she would ever be able to see any with the other, as the sight was rapidly being destroyed in that also. We tought her doomed to permanent blindnes. She suffered intense pain and kopt her head buried in the pillows most of the time. If licht was admitted to the room she would cry as E Bumed With a Hot Iron As she was weak and badly run down wa tliought before continuing tire treatment w would try to build up her system and renew her strength. We began giving her Hood's Sarsa. parilla. She began to ünprove rapidly and by the tmio she had fmished tlie lirst bottle we were able to remove the bandages and fouud that slie eould bear the light and that the sight was returning. much to our dclight. She took two bottles and then was as well as ever. It is. now a year sinee, and her eyes Are Permanently Cured She can see perfectly, has had no signs of any Eurther trouble and is in every respect perfectlr healthy. Wo have great faith in Hood's Sarsaparilla W. H. Butterfield, 1496 Hastings st. Detroit. Hood's Pilis cure all Liver Hls, Biliousness, Jaundiee, Indigestión, Sick Headache. Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C.'s N EitVF. and iíhain Threatmknt, a ruaranteed speeinc tor Hysteria, Dizziness. Convulsión?, Fits, Nervous Neuralsria, Headaohe. Nervous Prostration caueed by the use of alcohol or tobácea. WakefulneeSj Mental Depressiou, Softoning ot' the Rmin rosulting in insanity and leadtn to misery, deeay and death. Premature Old Aye, Barrenuess, Loss of Power in oither sex, luvoluntary Losses and Spennatorrh(a causad by over-exr-rüon of the brain, séll-iiljuse or over-indntgenoe. Eaeh box contains one mnnth'e tveutmeni.. ïl.Oü a box, or Blx boxég tor i-".iW, sent by mail prepaid on roceipt öf price. WE GUAU VNTBE SIX BOXIÏS To euro any eae. With eacli oraer rwceived by us for six boxes, nccompunJed with 15.00, we i] send the purohaser our wj-itten ruaranten to refutul the uioney if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guáranteos isued only by Eberbacli & Bon, Druggists, Solo Agouts, Anh Arbor, Micli. $500 Reward! v.ï; willpay theabove reward ior any case of Liver Comptiiint. Dyppepsia, Siok Headauhe, Indigestión, I i m or Costiveness we eannot cure witti West 's Vegretable Liver Pilla, wben the Sirections are strictly eomplied with. The ƒ are purely . -nd never iail to g-ie satief ac tion . susar Comed. Large boxes, oontamiog 30 Pilis, 35 cents Beware of eounterfeit nn 11 . Tbe srenuino manufactui' . TI4E JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by nll drugCJ. VV, VOGEL, CHOICEST CÜT8 OF STEAKS. AU !ï;lds Of MEA.TS AND SAUSAGES, ITreah lard alwaye in stock. Poultrv in season BIIM SÏABÖlft MÏWi PBUPFBV MüMi, UIÍUülíilí i BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Whoieaale or EntaU Traae. We shall 'il: ,.'tñy ol GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. K. Swift & Co.'e Best Wiite WLeat Flo ar, Sye Flour , Üaci: whett Ilour, Corn Meal, FiaO., &c., &e., &c, Al Wliolesale and I'.ctiül. A lfencral stork ol ?}SOaSEIE& AÏÏD PS07ISIÖHS constantly on hand, which wi3l be so]d on as reasonable terms as at ünv other house in the city. jSLr"Cash paid ior Batter, Ep;gs, and Country Produce generally. 3Goods Deiivered to anv part of the city with out extra chanre. Riiihoy & Seabolt.


Ann Arbor Argus
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