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&-, J the consumptive j{ -J v. ao's not liereft jS''fi of judgment and cSï&bi goed sense. h' (S. I l Uv taking Dr. Pieree's 1 V 1111 Ooidon Medical y ,VJw__ Discovery. If A f? Tjr't'A taken in time and „j--s3""iiVr VV eiven a fair trial, mfc M,ït wül effect V y 1 vs cure. Consump tion is Lungscrofula. For Scrofula, it its myiuad forms, and for all Livcr, Blood and Lung diseases, the " Discovcry " is au unequaled remed}'. It's tho only guaranteed one. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you get your money back. You only pay for the good you get. " DLscövery " strengthens Weak Lungs, and cures Kpitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and kindred affectious. Don't be fooled into taking something else, said to be "just as good," that the dealer may make a larger proflt. There's nothing at all like the " Discovery." It contatos no alcohol to inebríate ; no syrup or sugar to derange digestioa. As peculiar in its curative effects as in its composition. Equally good for adulta or children. I ! I f g % a 5 w i 3 Ú S I . h ïi E u k g m ti r. & I E Ir 5 3 I 1 3 .il O S I e I m y i y i o i ■ DOCK BEER AT NO. 5 W. HURÓN ST- Srj- QURÏNCÜBATOR i55!.p'v,UbeinoieritoiiattLie ' jrlrB JolTmoM. Ifyouwanta I ti"" O ve yon PLEA3URE J5 AND PROF1T eendíc. lur uew ii.aatrated catalogue. Address: ..o hcubator and Brooder Co., (taincy, Illinois. SPRING MILLINERY OPENING Beginning April 12, 13, 1 i, and 15 MRS. OTTO always has a surprise in store for the I.adies. Altitud the opening and examine the iaiter? hats and boimets for ladies and children mud by tho skillful flngera of Miss Eva Hay. trimmor of several yeaiV experlenoe at De troit, aiso Torunto, Can., Wholesale Ilousos. Ladies, Attend t hi-, sale and satisfy yom selve6 iuboth stylo and price. IMPOH.TANT TO ADVERTISERS. The cream of the country papera is founc in Remington's County Seat Lista. Shrewc advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a copy of which can be had of Bemington Bros., of New York & Pittsburg. GET A TICKET -OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choiee of tlie Home InRti-uctor or the Life of General Shermaii or the Lile of P. T. Barnum (FHEE) when cash purchase to the ainount of 15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LABOB OCTAVO, 4',H PAQBS, ILLUSTh'ATED. A compendium of usol'ul knowledge necessary for the practical uses of evoryday hfe. A complete and perfect guide to lile ín public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS0F W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, 56 PAOKS, ILLUSTRATED. A graphic narrative of hiB boyhood and early Ufe, education. career in Florida :uid California, military achtevemehts, lile as a citizen. last sickness aud death; wilh fine fited portraitt. THE LIFE OF P. T. BARñUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CBOWN OCTAVO ,620 PAGE8, ILLVSTRATED. His early life and struggles, bold mui ures and brilliant suecess: his vrom caroer, hls wit, genius and eloquence, Iiik Ufe as a citi.ei), etc- to which is added his famous book, The Art of Money Gettiwj. FOUNDATIAST! Eureka Hug. Kiuts and Mats i'roni old Carpets. Save your old Ingrata, Tapestry and Brussels Carpeta. Any size of Hug made from '4 to 'A yardB wide and ot' any length. Prioe 75 cents and upward per Kufi, complete with fringe. L. M. PETRRS, Carpo t Cleaning & Kug Manufacturing Co. 547 Clinton Ave., De troit. Seiid for Circulare.


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