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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J)# A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the EYE, EAK, XOSE and THROA V Office n Hangsterfer Block. Kesidence 26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. ELIHI7 DB. rPOUSTID, JUSTICE OF THE PeACE And Notarv Public. Conveyancing done aad REAL ESTÁTE bought and sold on commis sion. Patronage eolicited. No. 6 N.Main St. ATTORNEYS. D. CRAMER. 6i CRAMBBCRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office: Front room over First National Bank AUN ARBOR, SHCH. g B. N0RR18 Attorney at Law. Does a general laweollectionand conveyancng business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfuUy solicited. Office in the lyourt House. Q ít. WILLIAMS, AttornoT at Law and Pension Claim Attorner, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyancing and Collections. DENTISTS. TOUIS P. HALL, DENTIST. OfficeSouth State street. Over Sheehan i-íooK otore. Hours 9 a. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. toóp.m. W. N1CH0LS D. D., DENTIST. In the oíd St. James Hotel Block yuXïi0"- D? the U8e ( A C.NICHOLS. DENTIST Late of Nichols Bros. Orer Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main street. ] G. BÜITS, JUbTICEOF THE PEACE. Roal Estáte and Collection Agent. Office: ín Masonio Block. L)R. A .M .FLYNN, OFFICK, No. 3 East Hurón Street RESIDENCE, No. 9 North FirstStreet. Hours- 9 to 1O:3O a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. 6;30to 7:3O p. m. Real Estáte tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY of Washtenaw- ss. ín the rnnUer ol the Estáte of Williarn W Brown, deeeased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuanee of an order granted to the urjdersigued administrator of the estáte oí said deceased by the Hon Jude of Probate for tlie Gounty of Washteuaw, on the 31st day of March A. D. 1S93. there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the bighest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House in the City of Aun Arbor in the County of Washtenaw in said State on Mouday the 22nd day of May A. D. 1K93 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumDrances by mortgage crotherwise existine at the time of the sale thereof) the foUowinl iescnbed real estáte, to-wit: Lot eleven, block four north, range fourteen east, in the City of Ann Arbor, MichiVan CHARLES DWYER, AdminiBtrator of said estáte Notice to Creditors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY - of Washtenaw , bs. Notice is hereby g-iven, that by an order of the Probate Court for thè Countv of Washtenaw, made on the seventh day of April, A. D. 1893, six months f rom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Maltby Gelston, lateof said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the tity of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or hefore the seventh day of October, next, and that such claims will be heard before said court, on the seventh day of July, and on the seventh day of October next, at ten o'clock in tny forenooo of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, April Tth, A. D. 1893. . WILLARD UABBI1T, Judeeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF Washtenaw. Tlie undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to rcceive, examine and adirst all claims and demands of all persons against'the estáte of Patrlck McMahon, latff of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from dale are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims against the' estáte of said deceased, and that tbey will meet at :he office of Samuel II. Perkins, Esq., in the vilage of Manchester in said county, on the first (lst) day of July and on the seeomi i.2d) day of Oetober next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each ot said davs, to receive, examine and adjust said claima Dilted March 31st, 1N93. WILLIS 1,. WATKINS, JOHN H. KINGSLEY, Commissioners. Notice of the Pendency of Attachment Proceeding. THE CIRCUIT COÜRT FOR THE COUNTY of Washtenaw. Notice is hereby given that a writ of attachmenr was on the fourth day of February, A. p. 1893, duly issued out ot and under the seal oí' the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, State of Miohisan. for the sum of one hundred and fifty-one'dolhirs in whicli John Kapp is plaintiff and AdolnVi HotTstetter is defendant, and which said writ was returnable on the seventh day of March A. D. 1S93, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated March lSth, 193. E. B. NORRIS, Attomey for Plaintiff. Estáte of Michael Keelan. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the Countyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbcr on Honday, the 24th day of April in ' the yearone thousand eight hundred and Dinety-Miree Present, J. Willavd Babbitt, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Micluiel Keelan dece&sed. Johu Ross, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court umi represents that tie is now prepaied 10 reuder nis final account as such executor. Thereupon it ia orderud that Tuesday, the 23d day of Biay nexi, at ten o'olock in the forenoon. De assigned for cxiuuiuingand allowing such account, and that the deruees, legatees and heireat-law of said deceased, and all other persons mterested in saidestato are required to appear at a sca?ion of said court, thento be holden at the ''róbate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, in s.iid County and show cause, ir anv thcre be why the said account should uot be allowed: And" it ia furtherordered that said executor glve uotice to the persons interested in said estafe, ofthepondeney of said account aad the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be ia the Ann Abbor Arüs, a newspaper printed arjd circulatiug in said county three BUOceSi'ire week' previous to said dav of hearing J. WILLAKDBABIUTT, (Atrueoopy.) Judge of Probate I WilhamG. Doty. Probate Kejtistér.


Ann Arbor Argus
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