A. E. Shaw is in Saginaw. George Bishop was in Detroit, Sunday. John Kinney went to Middleville, Monday. Leroy Noble has returned from New York. Mrs. Maria Otto has returned frotn Saginaw. George Lutz returned from Chicago, Saturday. Mrs. L. Gruner returned Monday from Hillsdale. Lew H. Clement has been in Chicago this week. Miss E. Cora DePue was in Coldwater, Tuesday. Mrs. George Parker and son have gone to Lansing. George W. Bullis has been in Omaha, on business. Theodore Reyer has been in Vicksburg, this week. Mrs. W. M. Waldron has returned from a visit in Hillsdale. Miss Emma Hein, of Detroit, is visiting Miss Clara Foley. Hon. Charles R. Whitman was in Washington last Saturday. Miss Pauline Huss, of Saginaw, s visiting, Mrs. Sophie Spring. Miss Georgia Haws is in Detroit, taking lessons in China painting. Dr. George E. Frothingham, of Detroit, was in the city, Monday. George Shelmire, of Minneapolis, ïas been visiting friends in the city. Robert Lilly, of New York, is visiting at Mrs. John M. Wheeler's. Rice Beal returned Tuesday evenng from a visit to the World's Fair. Charles Hall, of Johnson City, Tenn., is visiting E. B. and L. P. Hall. Titus F. Hutzel has returned from a visit to Chicago and the World's Fair. L. Handel, of Philadelphia, has been visiting at Mrs. William Caspary's. Chas. F. Dietas and Henry Ridley spent Sunday visiting friends in Detroit. Congressman Gorman, of Chelsea, was in the city an hour or two, Tuesday. Mrs. L. W. Babcock, of Carthage, N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Phillips. Frederick Schmid attended a meeting of the asylum trustees at Pontiac, Monday. Mrs. David Coolidge, of Orange, Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Caroline Durheim. Mrs. Arthur Whitlark, of Washington, is visiting at her father's, Thomas Speechley's. Miss Martha Coffin, of Chicago, who has been visiting Mrs. J. M. Bradshaw, returned home Wednesday. Milton M. Steffy and William O. Tubbs, of this city, registered at the Michigan building, on the World's Fair grounds, Tuesday. Joseph W. Holden and Miss Carrie Heiier, of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John O. Jenkins, of N. Fourth avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Guy L. Keifer, of Detroit, spent a couple of days in Ann Arbor this week, on their way home from their wedding trip. Prof. F. M. Hamilton, of Bucyrus, Ohio, has been in the city this week, superintending the erection of his new house on Fifth avenue.