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Local Brevities

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I i The peach trees are loaded with blossoms. The jewelry stores now close at 7 o'clock p. m. A. Teufel will búild a newresidence on Ilill street. Bernard Mast is building a cottage on First street. The annual roll cali of the Baptist church was held last evening. The W. C. T. .U. meets in Harris hall at 3 p. m. next Thursday. The Epworth League has balance of $38 and a membership of 258. John Koeh, of Superior, wasarrested Tuesday, for threateDing his wife. Mr. aud Mrs. Titus Hutzel celebrated their tin wedding Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jane Bancroft Robinson spetiks in the M. E. church, Sunday, May 28. A new sidewalk has been built in front of the residenee of Leroy Noble. The Junior League of the M. E. church meets at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Miss Rogers lias presented the Y. M. C. A., of this city, with a Steinway piano. West Madison street has been greatly improved by the Street Commissioner. The A. O. II. will hereafter meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of eaeh month. A reception was given to the orches tra of the M. E. Sunday school, Tuesday evening. President W. VV. Watts has been elected director of the Saline Horsemen's Association. The barn on the premises recently purchased by the English Lutheran church is being moved off. Miss Miley advertises a closing out sale in another column, preparatory to making a change in business. Martin O'Brier, of Ypsilanti, was flned fS and costs, Tuesday, for creating a disturbance on the rector line. Tred Collum ahd John Glennen were given eight and five days in jail, Tuesday, by Justice Butts, for drunkeness. A pupils' recita] will be held at the Ladies' Library, May 24, for the pupils of Miss Colé, Miss Hill and E. N. Bilbie. Mrs. Susie Halliday has aceepted an engagement at Daly's theatre, Xew York city, and will make her debut in August. The Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dexter and Chelsea Arbeiter Vereins will have a special excursión train to Jackson, June 14, A flowing well has been struck on the premises of Jacob Laubengayer, on West Huron street, at a depth of 106 f eet. The funeral services of little Walter Belser, son of Fred A. Belser,who died Thursday of brain fever, were held Saturday. Rev. A. W. Mann wiil address the deaf mutes of this vicinity in St. Andrew's chapel next Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a. m. Mis. W'. II. Sawyer, nee Schryver, formerly of this city, died April 25, at Fort Worth, Texas, leaving a husband and three children. John W. Bennett, Esq., has moved into the Allrnendinger block on Huron street, where he will open up his justice court on July 4. Dr. Vaughan has been oiaking a sanitary examination of the drinking water on the World's Fair grounds for the direetors of the exposition. Invitations are out for the mam age of Dr. Charles S. Mack, of the homeopathie faculty, to Miss Laura Gordon Test at Washington D. C, June 1, 1893. Charles M. Jones, of Wichita, Kansas, formerly of this city, has been elected grand warden of the grand commandery Knights Templar, of Kansas. William Gates, the carpenter, feil from the gable of Dr. J. W. Martin's new house on Liberty street Saturday, breaking a wrist and sustaining other injuries. The Knights Templar held very imposing Ascensión day services at Forest Hill cemetary last Sunday, and deeorated the graves of the members gone before. A conference of the health officers of Michigan will be held in this city, June 15 and 1(5. The chief topics for discussion will be concerning the Asiatic cholera. The board of review of Ann Arbor townwill be in session at the court house next Monday and Tuesday to review the assessments of the supervisors and listen to aggrehed parties. William Shipley died in the first ward, last Sunday, of consumption, aged seventy-two years. He was born in England. The funeral services were held Tuesday in the M. E. ehurch. '"The Garden of Eden,or the State of Primitivo Man," will be the lecture topic in the M. E. ehurch next Sunday evening. "How to Spend a Happy Sunday" will be the morning topic. The buggies of Mrs. Mary Collins Whiting and Mrs. Ilannah Graves came into close contact, on Broadway, last Friday, and when they separated, Mrs. Whiting's buggy had only three wheels. The Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan road have adopted a new time table. The trains going north now leave here at 7:15 a. in. and 4:15 p. m., and south at 6:45 a. m., 11:45 a. m. and 9:00 p. m. Charles S. Millen has broken ground for two new houses on South Fifth avenue, in place of the house he iias long owned there. The old house has been sold to William Clancy, jr., to be removed to Ashley street. A great auction of lots will be held on College Ilill addition next Thursday. Eead the half-page advertisement if you wish to make money. Money seems to be made faster in real estáte than iu any other way. The promised change of time on the Michigan Central did not occur last Sunday but wll take place next Sunday. At that time a new fast train will be put on the road to make the trip from New York City to Chicago in nineteen hours. Two law students were arrested by Marshal Murray, Monday, forshooting craps on the sidewalk east of the Cook house. They were brought b&fore Justice Pond and fined $1 and $2.70 costs. They gave assumed ñames and claimed to be Normal students. John S. Hammond died Tuesday at the residenee of his daughter, Mrs. A. F. Martin, on Geddes avenue. lie was eighty-flve years, seven months and eight days oíd. He was the father of A. li. Hammond, the biülder, whose tragic death was recently chronicled. Mr. Whipple, of Northfiekl, had a narrow escape, Monday afternoon. Ilis horses ran away, overturning his wagon on the corner of Ashley and Catherine streets, and throvving him into the deep gutter. He received a slight cut on the back of his head. The horses were caughton State street. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eider give a farewell recital in Ypsilanti next Monday evening, assisted by Miss Louise Ingersoll. A number of new songs will be sung for the first time in Ypsilanti. As this is Mr. Elders last appearance in Ypsilanti, a number of Ann Albor music lovers should make it a point to go down on the motor to hear him. Rev, Mr. Sunderland's subject next Sunday morning at tlie Unitarian church will be "A Religión of Freedom Fit for a Pree Republic." In place of the usual evening service there will be a series of young people's religious meetings held in the church parlors froin this time until the vacation, beginning at 7 o'clock. The subject for consideration next Sunday I evening will be "Liberal Orthodoxy, and its Relation to Liberal Christianity."