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PANIC IN NEW YORK. Twelvo Lare Wholesale Clotlilng Humes Forced to the Wall. Over ïl.000,000 worth of clothing, gents' furnishing goods and hats to be tliroxn on tlie market at less lialf the manufacturera' cost. The Consolidated C'lotuing Trust Co., with oHices at 237 Mercer street, New i ork. and M iortli High street. Columbus, O., liave bought upthe bulk of thee wholeale stocks at au enormous ieduction for cash, and propose to sell them at retail for less than than f0 per cent on the dollar. Twelve carloads of clothing have been suipped to Detroit and will be placed on sale m the four-story b.ülding. ,o. VS-S and 195 J e lïeison avenue (corner Bates), one block eastof Woodward avenue, lietroit, Mich. Sale tocommence ou Saturday, Aiay 20, at 9 a. n., and will continue every day until closed out. The stock is all of this season s manufacture, and includes the very latest styles in sacks, frocks, cutaway, and l'rlnce Albert sultings, well made and trimmed, and eyuai to the linest of tailor work. Projudiced parties will teil you that we don't do as advertisod, we tlierefore ask the good people of Detroit and vicinity to cali and examine goods and prices, to convince themselves that we mean what we say. This is the (irst and only bona tide sale cf thé kind ever attempted in Detroit, so please don t compare this with some former snide fire or Dankrupt sales. We ailow no misrepresentation, and every dollar s worth of goods is guaranteed as represented Cut this price list out and cali for the goods hientloned. Only a few of tlie many bargains at this sale can be illustrated. Tnere are thousands of others that cannot be mentioned here. CLOTHING DriPARTMENT. 500 men s suits, former price S5 and Í6, for 12 75. 300 men s business suits, former price $7 and I, for S3 85. 6UÜ men s cheviot suits, former price 510 and $Vi. lor 5 95. 5U0 mens diagonal worsted and corkscrews, former price f15, Í18 and $20 for $"S 75. Vour choice of ö.üüü men's casslmerea, Olay worsteds. Irisli and Scotch tiveeds and Tricots, former prlces ranfting f rom $18 to S35, now for 20, ril 90 and SU 50. This includes all styles Insacks, frocks, cutan ays and Prince Alberts. Men's good durable pants. 9Sc. actual valué íl 75. 1.000 mens cassimere pants, good value for L3, now il 48. a.uOO pairs of line dress pants. latest styles, tnglisli worsied. silk tripes, worth from $4 to VU per pair, will be sold from il 98 to ü 30 per pair. Working pants, 50c. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT& 5.00D pairs school pants at ü'c, worth 50c. Children s short cheviot pants at 39c, worth 75c. Hoys cassimere pauts at 63c, worth il 50. 1.50U oairs of boys pants at 9.c, worth Ï2. Boys' school pants at 9sc. worth 2. Boys' hne dress Sunday suits at$l 87 worth Í4 a5. Clliildren's knue paut suits at 50c. 3.000 children's suits, all styles, if2 25 to $.i, worth from H to i6. FUKNIí-HING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Men's fine half-Iiose, 2 pairs for 5c. Pure lineu handkerchief s, hem-stitched. 3c each. Men's suspeuders, 9c, worth 25c. Men's silk suspenders. 2Uc, worth 50c to 75c per pair. Men's workins shirts, 19c. worth 50c. .Merino undershirts and drawers 15c. Kemember, there are 30,000 other bargains which camiot be mentioned here. Necktles, worth 50c, only 19c. HAT DEPARTMENT. Men's fine stiff hats, 75c, worth $1 50. Mens fine dress stiff hats, 98c, worth J2 25. 5.000 men's soft and stiff hats on four barsrain counters from 4sc to $1 12, worth SI öö to $3 50. It will pay yon to come a hundred miles to attend this great sacrifice sale. Parties living at a distance and making purcháSes amounting to $15 will be paid railroad fare one way. Strlctly oae price. Look for our signs andremember the number, 193 and 195 Jetiersou avenue icorner Bates', one block east of Woodward avenue, Detroit, Micli. Jacob N'ewman, manager in charge. A large forcé of uniun salesmen liave been employed to meet the rush. No postponement. Tlus sale will positively open on Saturday. May 20. L93 anti 195 J ell'orson avenue, Consolidated Clothing Trust (Jo., Detroit, Mich. A Great Benefactor. "Educators are certainly the greatest benefactors of the race, and afterreading Dr. Franklin Miles" popular works, vve cainiot help declaring hitn to be among the most entertaining and educating oL authors."- New York Daily, lie is not a stranger to our readers, as Iris advertisements appear in our columns in every issue, calling attention to the fact that Iris elegant work on Nervous and Ileart Diseases is distributed free by our enterprising druggists, Eberbach & Son's. Trial Bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine are given away. also Book of Testimoniáis sliowing that it is unequalled for Nervous Prostration, Headache. Poor Memory, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Fits, Epilepsy.


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