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The Legislature

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LAttSING, May 17.- An impoi-t-wit mea-ure I Unown as lii ■ late prison bul, was passed bv the senate. )i próvidos tor the punishment of I any employés in or about the prisou wno, through neglect or otberwlse, may aid in the escape of prisoners, and in case Ufe 'prisouer is aided to escape the person lending the aid may be imïmprisoncd for a term not exoeedtng iwentj yars. The bill also abolishes the central board of prison inspectora and provldes for the croation of a separate board of control The !iena,Vi J?mm'e reponed out a bill bringine the Michigan Central Railroad company uñder the general law for taxation purposes The house passed bilí authorizing the appomtmentof a state dairy and food commissioner and authorizlng the use of Meyer's automa tic votms machino at municipal elections. Lansinc May 18,-The house passed the Kline capital pumshment bilí by a vote of 58 to . It provides the death penalty only when a murderer is convicted on direct testimony and applies to no case of circumstantial evídence. Although a similar bill to this one has been before the Michigan legisjature nearly every gession during the Jast thirty years, this is the flrst timo ít has ever succeeded in recelvir.R a maiority vote. It 3 believed that the senate wiil also pass the bill. ihe house passed tiic bill tor the reorifamzition of the state milltia. The moat important features of the bill are cnanKe of name from "state troops' to Michigan national guarda,'1 and the increase of the per capita tnx lor the support of the militia to 4H per cent, The latter clause enables the guards t hold their anuual encampment at Chicago. The senate passed bilis abolisWng the central boards of control andproviilin sepárate boards for the schools for tlae blind, deaf and deponüent chüdren and euch of the penl and reformatory insütutions of the state and giving immediate effect. The soldiers' home inmate franchise bill was passed, as was also the Weis bill providing for the election of representatlves to the legislature from cities by separate districts instead of on a general ticket as at present The senate passed a new congressional apportionment bill providing for nine republican and three democratie distnots in thi3 state. Lansino, May 19- The bill grinting munioipal and school suffraite to women passed the house by a vot of 57 to 25. It requires women to be uble to read the constiiution of the state in the English language. The house lso passed the bill appropriating 120,000 tor a gymnasium at the state normal school and the good roads measure. A joint resolution was passed proposing an amendment to the constitution requiring foreigners to have their full papers before they are eligibl as electors, and requiring a residence of F - -rf i ■■■■ - ■ s. f j f 8ix moriths in the sute and twenty days in a township or ward. The bill providing for tha appointment of special depaty game warden with jurisdiution in all sections of the state was also passed. The senate passed the bilis allowing the use of the Rhines vote-recorder and the Meyers ballot machine. It also passed the Gilbert liquor bilí, which provides a uniform tax of 8500 and allows the sale of liquors on all days except Sunday, Christmas. Thanksgiving dáy, Decoration day and election day. Lansijío May 0,- The repuoligau member of the house ñímconcurred on thè resolution postponing the date oí final adjournment until June 15, and by a practically unanimous vote decided to adhere to the original plan and adjourn next Thursday. In commiuee of the whole the senate passed bilis bringing the Michigan Central railroad under the general law for taxation purposes; appropriatmg $76,000 for a new asylum for the insane in the upper nuninsula; amending the banking law so that the state banking commisslouer may take possession of the assets of banks pendine the appointment of a receiver, anti increasing the salary of the state treasurer to IS, 000 and that of the auditor general to 53,000. Lansing, May 23.- The house passed a concurrent resolution providing for the appointment by the governor of a commission of three persons to report a bilí for the incorporation of cities andf villages without appeal to the legWlature. A bill was passed providing for computing the taxable earnings of companies whose Unes are partly wittun and partly without the state on the. actual earnings of mileage within the state instead of on a pro rata basis. The senate committee on military alTairs reported favorably the houye bill for the reorgani.ation Df the state militia and in committee of the whole bilis were passed as follows: Requiring corporations doing business in Michigan to keep a list of stockholders and transfer book within this state when the principal office of the Corporation is located uutside of the state: the indeterminate sentence bill providing for a conditional pardon by the governor; providing for ■ the inspection of the factorieB, the work to be done under the supervisión of the labor bureau; the section prohiblting the employment of chüdren under 14 years of age; prohibiting employers trom coerclns employés trom joining or belongng to any legally organized labor organiza tion; flxing ten hours in any twelve as a day 's work for railroad brakemen and providing for pro rata compensation for overwork.


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