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A Thing Of The Past

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Lansing, May 29.- The legislature adjourned sine die ut noon to-day. The legislative session of 1893 was thlrty-flve days shorter thaa the preceding one. Lansing, May 23. -The house passed a concurrent resolutlon providing for the appointment by the governor of a commission of three persons to report a bilí for the incorporation of cities and villages without appeal to the legislature. A bilí wa3 passed providing for computing the taxable earnings of companies whose lines are partly within and partly without the state on the actual earninfrs of mileage within the state instead of on a pro rata basis. The senate committee on military affairs reported favorably the house bill for the reorganizaron of the state militia and in committee of the whole bilis were passed as follows: Requliing corporations doing business in Michigan to keep a list of stockholders and transfer book within this state when the principal ofnce of the Corporation is located outside of tho state; the incleterminate sentence bilí providing for a conditional pardon by the goven.or; providing for the inspection of the iuotories, the work to be done under the supervisión of the labor bureau; tbe Bection prohibí ting the employment of children under 14 years of age; prohibí ting employers from coercincr employés from joining or belonging to any legally organized labor organizatiou; fixing ten hours in any twelve as a day's work for railroad bruketnen and providing for pro rata compensation for overwork. Lansing, May 23- In the senate the Doran bill to protect employés against coerción of employers, ;the factory inspection bill, the bill making ten hours a day's work fpr trainmen, and the measure apprppriating $75,000 for an asylum for the insane A the upper península were passed. The bill was reported favorably for the taication of capital stock of palace, drawing room vind sleeping car companies. The committee on judiciary was ïntructod to report out the barbers Sunday closing bill and the joint committee on judiciary and rallroads was lnstructed to report out the bill fliing the liability of railroad companies for personal invries to employés. In the' house the Lindeman bill, creating a commissior. far lüe purpose of experimenting with a t iscertain the best method of reclaiminti.'1 ".)ine barrens of the state, was killed, as was the Gleucklich bill provlding for the taxation i t church property. Botli houses passed the bi establishini? a naval militia. Lansing, f;iy 2i- The senate passed bilis lncreasing the salaries of the justices of the supreme court to è7,000 and requiring the justices to reside in Lansing; repealing the special charter of the Michigan Central Railroad company and bringing the road under the general law for taxation purposes, thereby increasing its annual tax Ï30.000; increasing the salary of the attorney general to $3.000: adopting the Pennsylvania system of taxing palace sleeping and parlor car companies on their capital stock, and providing for the appointment of a commissioner to lócate an additional normal school in the upper portion of the lower península. In the house the senate bill reenacting the old law for the election of Dresidential electora on a general ticket was passed after a contest. The house alao passed the senate bill compelling banks doing both a savings and commercial business to keep the securities and assets of each department separate, and the Saturday half holiday bill for banks. The Turnbull bill, authorizing justices of the peace to suspend sentence on persons convicted of drunkenness in case the latter give bonds to take a course of treatment at some legally incorporated gold cure establishment, was likewise agreed to and the bill is now in the governor's hands. Lansing, May 25.- The women of Michigan won a great victory to-nieht when the senate passed the bül granting suflrage at all school and municipal elections by a vote of 18 to 11. The sole qualification is an ability to read the English language. The Barber Sunday closing bill and the bill reorganizing the state militia also passed. It is decided that Michigan will return to the system of collecting delinquent taxes which was abandoned two years ago, the law of 1891 being repealed. The senate passed the Baum bill appropriating $50,000 for the establishment of a home for feeble minded children, and also bilis appropriating $15,000 for the upper península prison at Marquette, appropriating 34.000 for the agricultural college, and authorizing any railroad company to lease or convey its property and franchises to any other company. The house passed the senate labor bilis providing for a state factory Inspector who shall be under the supervisión of the labor commissioner; making ten hours in any twelve a legal day's work for railroad brakemen, and protecting employés from the unjust exactions of employers. The Doran inheritance tax bül, which wlll bring the state an annual revenue of not less than 8500,000, was also passed. Lansing, May 26.- The house passed the bill to increase salarles of justices of the supreme court from Ï8.OO0 to ÏT.OOO a year. The senate bill making the liquor tax uniform at 1500 for beer and whisky; closins: the saloons on electiou days; closing them at 11 o'clock at night and on holidays proclaimed by the president or governor, on Sundays. Christmas day and Decora tion day was recommitted to the committee, thus disposing of it. The bill appropriating $18,000 to deepen the channel of the Black river In Sanilac county was defeated. The Moore f ree pass bill failed by a vote of 11 to 7 to pass the senate. Tlie coneressional reapportionroent bill failed in the senate, as only stxteen votes were cast for it By a vote of 15 to 5 the senate committee on flnance and appropriations was discharged from further consideration of the bill appropriating $15,000 for cottages for the wives, widows and mothers of veterans at the soldiers' home. The general expenses of the state govern ment as authorlzed by the legislature are Yï,856.000. It is divided into a tax levy of ï9."i3.009 for he present year and S903.000 for 194. It in eludes the salaries of state offleers, the expenses nf the state departments and the expenses o the leííislature for 1893. Lansing, May 27.- The roll cali was gone through with as matter of formality in both ïouses at 11 a. m. and Droclamation was made ,hat they stand adjourned until 11 o'clock on Slonday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News