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I OFFICIAL I Councll Chamber. Aun Arber, June .", 1893. Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Taylor, Fillmore- 2. The journal of the last session was approved. Pres. Watts nppointed Aid. Kitson temporary chairman of the sldewalk coinmittee. PJETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Fred Scott and tliirty-right other residents of city of Aun Arbor, askiiig tliat a side■valk be ordcred built o the north sido of Fuller Street from State to Detroit streets. Referred to Coinmittee on Bidewalks. Oai moticm oí Aid. Prettyman, Eepresentative Kline and ex-Ald. Wines Avere invited to a seat inside the railing when attesding the council meetiuge. A petition signed by Samuel Krause aatd eleven others, resitlents and proj)ei-iy luililcrs, of the 2d ward, aaklng fon a urade to be established, and to lo the necessary gi-ading on W. 3d street betweeai Liberty and Hurón s tree te. Referred to coinmittee on streets. A communication eigned by Frederick Sclmiid, president of the Aun Arbor Fuel Gas Company, stating tliat a question has been raised toueliuig the validity of their gas ordinance recently passed and request the eouncil to repass said ordinance. Referred to committee on ordinance. KEPORTS OF STAN'DING COM.MITTEES. ORDINANCES. Tlie third reading by sections, oí ■'Au Ordinance Relative to Trespassers," after which, the chair having stated the question to bc "Shall irdinanco pass?"' The yeas and maya being called, tlie ordinance passed as follows : Yeae - Aids. Schairer, AVagner, Herz, Mai-tin, Snow, O'Mara, lerguson, ' Manly, Prettyman. Kitson, Pres. Wette- 11. Nays - None. The first reading by title oí "An Ordinanee to Amend Section One, of An Ordioance Entitled, An Ordinance Relative to Fire Limits and Fires."' Om motion of Aid. Manly, the rules were suspended and the ordinance givea a second reading. Second reading by sections of "An Ordinance to Amend Section one, of Au Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance Relative to Fire Liniits and Fires. Aid. Taylor at this point, arrived took nis chair. The ffirst reading by title, of "An Ordinance Relative to the Closing of Saiooms, Bars in Resturants and Elsewhere." On motion of Aid. Manly, the rules were suspended and the ordinance given a second reading. Second readjng by sections of "An Ordinance Relative to the Closing of Saloons, Bars iu Resturauts and Else■vhere." REPOKT OF STREET COMMIXTEE. To the Cortunon Council: Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of certain persons interested in lands on lirooks street asking for grades and grading on such street, and a certain resolution asking for an appropriation to grade Gott street, and a certuin cominunication from the Board of Public Works asking for an appropriation for the grading of East Iluron street and Thirteenth street, and a certain petition of property holders on Depot street objecting to the laying of a spur track along Jüepot street crossing Fourth avenue, and a certain petition of residents on Monroe street, asking for a grade to be established, and to grade the. street to the grade, respectfully report that they have had the varkms matters under consideration, and would recommend that all such matter be disposed of as follows: That the petition and resolution from Brooks and Gott streets be granted, and an appropriation made of $250 for the grading of Brooks, Gott, and Summit streets. That tlie sum of $500 be appropriated from the street f und for the grading of Huron street, from Ingalls to Thirteenth streets, also Thirteenth street, from Huron to Ann streets. That the petition and protest of laying a spur track along Depot street, , crossing Fourth avenue, be denied, and tbe M. C. R. R.Co. granted permission to lay said track, and to plank said Fourth avenue crossing 32 feet in width. That the Board of Public Works submit memorandum for a suitable street grade on Monroe street, and that the sum of $50 be appropriated from the street fund for the grading of said street. That the petition from residents and property owners on First street be referred to the Board of Public Works, with power to act in the matter. Respectfully submitted: Christ. Makïix, H. G. Prettyman, W. G.Snow, A. P. Ferguson, D. F. SCHAIKEIi, Street Committee. On motion of Aid. O'Mara the report was accepted and liled. REI'ORT OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE. To tlie Common Council: Your committee on Fire Department, to whom was referred the communication of the Board of Fire Commissioners relative to equippifig a fire company in the 6th ward, respectfully report that they agree with the board, that it would be inadvisable and j expedient to weaken the department I at the central station. The board estimates that it would cost $3,97-5, and tbat the militen au ce after tlie ïirst year, tlie company would costannually $2,250. While this seems to be a laxge sum of money, uevertheless your committee deern the establishment of the company in the 6th ward necessary foi the ampie protection of property in that ward, and parts of the 4th and lst wards. L We would therefore recomniend the appropriation of $4.000 for the establishment of aeoBipany in the 6th ward and its mainteuance tor one year. Respectfully submitted: J. O'M.viïa. A. J. KlTSON, Pire Departnieiit Conimittee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be aecepted and adopted, Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be laid on the table. Adopted. REPORT OF KOND CO3IM1TTEE. Aid. Prettyman, chairman of Committee on Bonds, would respectfully report that they have examined tlie following bonds of liquor dealers; and would recommend their acceptance with the sureties named: Principal. 8nre1 Lawronce.7. D;imm Solomon BaQmgartner, Frod Browi!. Kapp & Ardner Moses Lajoie, Ernest Elehberf?. Henry McNally Jeremlah w. Walsh, Herman Hardlngbaus. Rauschenberiier&Kapp.MathiieiisLutz, Adolph Kemper. DKÜGGISTS' BONDS. Goodyear & Co .Toe T. Jacobs, O. U, Darling. Mann Bros HenryMann Frederick Pchmid. John Moore H. ,T. lirown, E. E. Calkins. H. J. Brown John Moore, E. E. CalkiDS. E. E. Calkins John Moore. H. J. Brown. Bassett & Mason John Moore, Leonard Bassett. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bouds be accepted, adopted, and apjroved. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Scliairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, ÜMara, Eerguspn, Taynr. Manlv, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays- JSoue. REPORTS OF STANDING C0MM1TTEES. FINANCE. T) the Common Council: Your Committee on Finalice respectlully report that they have had the 'ollowing bilis under consideration md would recommend their allowance at sums stated CONTINGENT FUNÜ. V. J. Miller, salary $88 66 E B. Norria, salary 25 00 Irs. Jacob H. Btark.janitor 6 2S W. J . MlUer, eouimittee expenses to Lansing. - 38 20 Tohn R. Minor, examining Treasurer's and Clerk's books 25 00 Beakea & Curtiss, 24 books tor taxrolls 50 50 J. A. Polbi umi-, borse and bugey - 1 00 Ch;i-. H.Kllne, certlfledcopieB charter amendrnents - CO P. O'Hearn, salajy (May) 88 34 J. C. & W. w. Watts, 3 Mayora badges 24 00 Wm. H. Mclntyre, exp. to Detroit, of committee - ' 00 Riehmond .Sc Baekus Co. .supplies 5 90 Eugene Oesterlin, juror 50 Geo. F. Lutz, " W Fred Brown, " -- " ' Krank O'Hearn, " 50 Jos. C Preston, " 50 Miohael Clark, "" - 50 Frank Campbell, wltness 48 Mills B. Gelston, " -48 C. Pray, " H. S. Dean. " 48 Paul Schuil, constable 1 25 Eliliu B. Pond, justice fees 7 40 Wm. G. Snow. useof hack and horse and bugjry 3 50 W.J. Jliller, supplies 2 85 Kohison& Howlett, use of hack 2 UO Miclwel Stabler, coal 15 00 Ann Arbor Ï.-H. Electric Co.. Street lightinu: 527 25 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office lights 2 00 8. Wood & Co., tile on S. State Street.. 15 BB Patrick McCabe, labor " " .. 36 li AlbertMead, " " " -- 88 93 Israel Clark, " " " -- 12 00 FredWhius " " " -- 13 P. O'Hearn, aKessor services fiom March3to April 26 84 00 ArthurJ. Kitson, repairs at 6th ward en'-'ine house 3 00 Fredenck J. Schleede, binding council proceudiiiu' - 20 Toml Ï1.10U 19 ('iMETERY FOND. Nicliolas Kline, labor 7 50 Jacob Kalarnbach, labor 00 Eli S. Manly, labor-. 7 50 Matlicw Luiupold, labor 7 50 Total 28 50 ST1ÍEET FCND. Felson Sutherland, salary, 66 66' Geo F. Key, salary 0 OU Willis Clark, labor. 2 45 Orvil as;e, labor - 5 28 AmosDrake, labor 1 25 E. J. Sumner, labor - 1 25 Charles Colgrove, labor 15 16 James Nelson, labor 11 40 Emanuel Beek, labor 8 25 Albert Schoenman, li 00 John O'Grady, labor 00 KarlJoerndt. labor 7 50 Michael O'Mara, labor. 75 August Benke, labor 10 28 ('liristian Jetter, labor 34 73 Michael Williams, labor 39 00 William Colegrove, labor 3 00 Kichard Zebbs 16 50 Karl Kalbe, labor 75 Georj;e Uarrow, labor 82 August Hettich, lalior 7 50 Charles Hlntz, labor 8 25 Frank Dudale, labor. . - 28 50 Jacob Steinke, labor 5 40 Frederick Kadke. labor 37 75 Guttave Waltere, labor 25 50 Jacob Michelfelder, labor 27 90 Lawrence Hughs, labor 17 55 Han-y Kajuske, labor -- 23 00 Edward Barnett, labor --- -2 40 Carlos Hill, labor 18 94 Harney Langer, labor 22 88 Frank Schulz, labor 30 75 William Kuelm, labor 12 S0 Wm. Rosencrans, labor 7 80 N Sutherland, horse and eart 32 38 Clinton Snyder, team labor 1 75 J. F. Lawrence, team labor 1 25 E. A O'Neill, team labor 68 10 P. W. Rogéis, team labor 40 60 Israel Clark, team labor 49 98 Daniel Crawford, team labor 39 48 August Dupslotf, team lalor 44 10 Martin Nagle, team labor 24 90 Richard Burns, team labor 66 S August Dupslotf, team labor 14 Uu George Weeks, teamlabor 5 25 Jobn Mahlke, gravel 19 60 Seliuh & Muehlig, supplies 5: ('aspar Rinsey, salt 1 00 Michael Stabler, supplies W W Byeraft&Sweet. teaming 5 25 Esslinser Bros., repairs 10 95 Jacob Keise, labor 17 4 J. II. Allmand, 23 trees 80 K. .1. Rokers, supplies 1 80 John Calrns, labor 2 25 Kembert Jones, labor 17 85 Total 81,100 84 BRIDGE, CUIVEKT AND CUOSSWALK FDND. Herman Budiolz, labor 11 25 Lawrence Hughs, labor 10 05 P. L. Bodmer, lumber 22 77 William Keulm, labor 1165 Harry Hammond, labor 16 74 James Tolbert, lumber and sewer pipe 61 2 Total 133 50 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND, Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Henry Mcl.aren, salary 50 00 LouiaHoelzle, saUry 50 00 Charles Carroll, Falary 45 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 45 00 I Frank Kapp, salary 40 00 Albert West, salary 40 no Herman Kim, ealarjr... 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary s 00 John Kenuy , eaiary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary s uu Wtn. Retticli, 8 'O Mrs. B. Rcam. washinjr 5 00 Mrs. Backhaus, maklng pillow cases.. J 75 Bach & Roath, aupplies 2 82 Swathel, Kyer & Peferson, oats 21(0 H. J. Brow n. medlolne 60 Fred ('liapin, hay 25 62 Dr. J. A. Dell, treatlng horse 2 00 Heinzinaim & Laubengaycr, oil moni.. 1 75 Total $ 40 54 PÓLICE WIIND. James lï. Murr.iy, sulury 86 00 David Colltns, salary 60 00 Noble O. Tice, salar; sonó John Kenny, special pólice 4 00 Sames tfumlley, burymg dog 50 Total $ ia) go POOIt FTJKD. Fred Sipley, salary in 00 John Gilmore, wood 15 00 Fred Sipley, f reiitht on wood 18 00 Mrs Arm Krans, aid 5 00 John Kisele, roceries -f 40 Jolin Goetz Jr-, groceries 6 7G Goodyear & Co., medicine ;5 J. Henne, groceries 4 00 William F, Lodholz, groceries 7 54 William H Mclntyre, ffroceries Jl B2 O'HaraA; Boyle, sroceries 2 H4 Caspar Kmsey. jrroceries 11 42 Rlneey St Seaholt, groceries 11 24 Bcbatrer & Millen. clothlng : 27 G. Fred Stein, ineat _. t 00 Win. Stimsou, groceries (i 00 Wm. Salyer. ifrocerie8 4 00 Wahr& 5 Total $ 128 09 UECAT1TULATION. Contitijfpiil Fund f1,100 19 Jemetery Fund 28 60 Street Fund l.Ulü B4 Brldse, Culveit and Crosswalk Fund. l;ö 59 Tire Fund- _., 4m) 51 'olice Fund 169 60 Poor Fund 128 09 Total $H,141 25 Eespectf ully submitted. w alter l. taylok, William 11e hz, Finance Com. Aid. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted, and warrants ordered drawn for the sums stated therein. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Schairer, AVaguer, Ilerz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Tayor, Manly, riettyman, Kitson, l'res. Watts.- 12. Nays- None. SIDEWALK CO31J1ITTEE KEl'ORT. To the Common Council: Your committee on sidewalks. to wkom was referred the several petitions for sidewalks now on file, respectfully report thattliev have had the subject matter of said petitions imder coHsideration, and fiiid tliat the grading and construction of the following sidewalks are all necessary public improvements, and would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered graded and constructed, viz. : On Catherine street, along the north and south sides from Ingalls to Clark streets. On Forest avenue, aloug the east side from South University avenue to Hill street. On East University avenue.northerly and westerly sides, from Hill to Packard streets. On North State street, along the west side, from Kingsley to Fuller streets. On Snmmit street, along the south side, from Detroit to Beakes streets. We herewith submit resolution ordering the same. Respectfully submitted. Arthtjr J. Kitson, C. II . Manly, J. O'Mara, WlLLIAM HeRZ, C. W. WAGNEK, Sidewalk Committee. On motion the report was accepted and filed. To the Coïiiiiton OovncQi Your committee on sidewalks would respectly report that they have had the following sidewalk grades under consideration, and would recommend that such grades be adopted and approved: Wasbtenaw avenue, northeast side from Wilmot street to South University avenue. Washtenaw avenue, northeast side from South University avenue to Hill street. Hill street, south side, from University avenue to Tappan street. Second street, west side, from Madison to Jefferson streets. Second street, east side, from Madison to Jefferson streets. Main street, west side, from Liberty to Williams streets. Packard street, south side, from Fifth avenue tollanover square. Ashley street, east side, from William to Jefferson streets. Clmrch street, west side, from College street to WashtenaW avenue. Suininit street, north side, from Main to Spring streets. Gott street, west side, from Millei avenue to a point 528 feet north ol Summit street. Main street, west side. from William to Jefferson streets. Gott street, east side, from Millei avenue to a point 528 feet north of line of Summit street. Brooks street, east side, from Millei avenue to a point 52S feet north oi north line of W. Summit street. Brooks street. west side, from Millei avenue to point 528 feet north of the north line of West Summit street. South University avenue, south side from East University avenue to Washtenaw avenue. South University avenue, north side from East University avenue to Washtenaw avenue. We herewith submit resolutions establishing the foregoing grades. Respectfully submitted, Authur J. Kitson, "- C. II. Manly, J. O'Maka, AVlLLIAM IlERZ, C. W. Wagneh, Sidewalk Committee Accepted and iiled. On motiou of Aid. Ferguson a reeess of five minutes was taken. After the expiration of five minutes the counciil re-assembled. ChaiTmaiii Ferguson, of the office building committee, made a verbal report and eubmitted the following : Ann Arbor, Mich., May 31st, '93. To Messrs. Ferguson, Schairer and Kitson, Committee: Gentlemen: I propose to build and construct a three story brick building for the use of the city on my lam' fronting on Fourth Avenue, south ol my brick store, corner of Fourth Ave and Huron street, according to the plan submitted to you. The fh'st floor to be finished, the whole building, to be finished in Norway pine,' with suitable vaults in basement and first floov, all to be completed according to plans and completed lor occupancy on or bef ore September lst next, which 1 will rent to the city, iucluding whole building and basement for the sum of $850 per anuum, payable quarterly, and with vaults on all lloors, including basement, for the sum of $400 per annum. Yours respectfully, David Einsey. To Your Honorable Body, The Common Councit of the City óf Ann Arbor: I, the undersigned, have submitted plans and specifications to the committee, appointed for the purpose of accepting a building erected to be occupied by the city oftïcers, and such changes suggested by the aforesaid committee have been complied with. I would most respectfully submit the following proposition: The entire upper iloors to be leased to the city of Ann Arbor for city offices at a rental of $850.00 per year. Fuitber, any additional rooms neederl by the city will be furnished at an additional rental of 10 per cent upon the cost of such required rooms. I would most respectfully draw your close attention to the the plans, specilications and location of the building to be erected, in comparison with any other competitors. Should there be any further suggestions trom yoiiv honorable body, I would be pleased to receive thern. This building can be ereeted in ninety days f rom date signingagreementto occupy same for city offices. Yours most respectfully, C. A. Greene. May 31st, '93. On motion of Aid. Manly, Mr. Greene and Mc, Ross were allowed the floor. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, Thiat the proposition of Mr. Greene te accepted by this council in accordance with, plans and specifications to be approved of by the building committee, subject to sucli changes as said committee make in said plns. Aid. Schairer moved an amendment that botJi piaras be re-referred back to building committee, and that nis lionor, the mayor, and city attorney be added to the committee and they have power to act. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagaer, ïaylor, Martin, Prettyman- 5. Xays - Aids. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Férguson, Manly, Ki-tson, Pres. Watts - 7. Aid. Wagner moved that the matter belaid over to our next meeting. Aid. Manly moved that the motion of Aid. Wagner be laid on the table. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson -7. Naya - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Martin, Pres. Watts - 5. Aid. Prettyman moved as substitute tüat the whole matter be re-referred to the committee, Miayor Thompson, City Attorney Norris and Prof. M. E. Cooley. Aid. O'Mara moved that the substitute of Aid. Prettyman's be laid on the table. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts -7. Nays- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Martin, Prettyman - 5. On motion of Aid. Wagner, Aid. Schairer was allowed the floor. After which the original motion was called for and adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Herz, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 7.' Nayfl- Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Taylor, Martin, Prettyman- 5. Aid. Schairer was excused f rom the meeting. KÉPORTS OP CITY OFFICERS. CITY TBEASUBHR'S REPORT FOU THE MONTH ENDING MAT 31, 1893. To the Common of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as per last report Í 13,0015.10 MOXKY KECF.IYF.P. Streel Fuml - Countyof Washtenaw... ' 13 Cemetery Fund- EUS. Iktanly 12O Contingent Fund - W. .l.'MUler, lieenses .... 18.50 A, A Sav. Bank, Interest 112 B5 Pólice Pond- Murray, fees 470 Pond, toes 8.00 Total í 180.4S Sl.iO.4S MÖSKY IHSBL'KSED. Contlnirent 'Fund Í1,433.W Street Pund.. 89 Firemen's Fund.. 517.27 Pólice Fund 16Ï.00 Poor Fund 1288 Cemetery Purid 11.26 Bridge, Crosswalk and ( 'ulvert Fund - 804.86 Soldiers' Relief Fund 28.0Ü Total Dlabursemcnts $ 8,13 1 5 1 Total on hand 10,088 05 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund, overflrawu 3,394.61 Street Fund, overdrawn 1,762.82 Firemen's Fund 4,177.27 Pólice Fund 1J80.88 1'oorFund 1.-089.02 Water Fund 3.1S7.2 :einetery Fund 239.IU Soldiere' Belief l,015.B".l Univer8ity Hospital Aid Boud Fuud 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,400.81 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 4.H03.3') Dog: Tax Fund lOü.w Totnl i 16,644.29 $ (5,558.24 Total on hand.. -. $ 10,086.05 Respectfully submitted, Geo. II. Pond, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, Mar 31, 1893. Ann aubokSavinos Bank, ) Ann Akbor, Mich., June 5, 1893. ( T the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: This will certify that Geo. H. Pond, has on deposit to his credit as City Treasurer, the sum of Ten Thousand, Ninety-Three and 05-100 Dollars, ($10,093.05). Yours Respectfully, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The moutlily reporta of the city clerk, city treasurer, city marshal and poor superintendent were read and ordered [lied. By Aid. Kitsun: Beeoired, That the board of iire commissioners report to tliis council at its next regular meeting, the number of hydramts that need ratelng and the oost oí same. Adopted. By Aid. Prettymam. : Resolved, That the water eonimittee be instructed to purchase a water guage to be placed i,n the engine house for the purpose of registering tiio preeeure on the city malus. , And iurtlier, that the chief of the lire department be instructed to have at least five i-eadimgs per 24 hours, including one minnimum reading, recoa-ded in a book to be kept tor that purpose. Adopted as IloilowB : Yeas- Aids. AVagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Mianly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Xays - None. MOTIOXS AND RESOtUTIONa. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That no hydrants after date, be placed uatil the city engineer shall have given a grade. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Coudcü the grude of the sidewalk ou the north side of South Universlty Avenue ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street raay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aloug the north side of South Universlty Ave. frora east line of East University Ave. to west line of Washtenaw Ave. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of sald sidewalk ou and along the street aforesaid shall beas follows, that Is to ay: At the n. e. Cor. of E. Univ Ave. and S. Univ. Ave... .870.85 ft " n. w. Cor. of Church St. and S. Univ. Ave 872 41 ft " n.e. cor. Churoh st. and s. Univ. aveS72.76 ft " n. w. " Forest ave. " " " 877.12 ft " n. e. ' " '■ " " " 878.tt3 ft " lw ft e. of n. e. Forest ave. and S. Uuiv. ave 878.00 ft " 27Ü ft e. of n. e. Forest Ave. and S. Univ. ave S7.5.45 ft " n. w. cor. of Washtenaw ave. and S. Univ. Ave 873.29 ft ,he elevatlon given beiug above the offleial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade liues toconsiso of straight ines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Conncil the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of South Main st. ought to be changed and tixed and established, to the end that such street nay be made suitable and safe for public xavel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the frade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of South Main st. from south line of Liberty st. to north line of William, and the same is hereby etianged, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as ollows. that Is to say : At s.w. oor. Liberty fc South Main st. S36.S0 ft " 154 ft, s. of s. w. cor. Liberty A'Soulh Hain St 838.80 ft ■' n. w. cor. William & South Main st. 837.25 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of xuch walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes between the stveral points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: WHEREAS, in the opinión of the Council he grade of the sidewalk on the west side of Second st. ought to be changed and üxed and eslablished, to the end that such street may )e made suitable and sale for public travel, therelore Resolred, And it is bereby ordered that the jrade of tne sidewalk on and along the west ide of Second st. from north line of West Madisou st. to south line of West Jefferson street, be, and the same is' hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At n. w. cor. W. Madison & Second 8t. 827.43 ft " 135 ft from n. w. cor. W. Madison & Second st 820.00 ft " 260 ft from n. w. cor. W. Madisou & Second st 816.61 ft ' 400 ft from n. w. cor. W. Madison & Second st 816.61 ft "530 from n. w. cor. W. Madison & Second st 819.13 ft " s. w. cor. W. Jeflerson 0c Secoud st. S.9.Ö5 ft the elevation given being above the offleial city datum and along tne center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight iues between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of S. Ashley st. ought tobe changed and flxed and eslablished lo the end that such street muy ba mude suitable and safe for public travel, therelore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of South Ashley st. from sonth line of W. William st. to north line of W. Jefferson st. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and eslablished, so that the grade of sald sidewalk on and along the' streef aforesaid shall beas foUows, that Is lo say At s.e. oor.W. William & S. Ashley st. 825.21 ft ■■ 275 ft south of s. e. oor. W. William & s. Ashley st S07.00 ft ' n.e. cor. W. William & S. Ashley st. SU7.U0 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum mul ilong the center line of suob walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Wukrkas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of Second street, ought to be cbanged and flxed and established, to the end that Bueb street may be made suitable md sa e ior public tras el, therctore , And It is hereby ordered tluittlie o-rade of the sidewalk on and along the ;is: side ot second st. from north line ot W. Madison to south line ofV. Jellersou, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, sotbat the grade of said sldewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as lollows. that is to say: U n. e. cor. of W. Madison street and Secoud st 825.43 ft ' 13.5 It from n.e. cor. of W. Madisou st and Second st 818,50 ft " 260 ft from n. e. cor. of W. Madison and Secoud st - - - 815.65 It "4UOtt from n. e. cor. of W. Madison and Second st ......- 816.61 ft "530ftfrom n.e. cor. ot W. Madison and Second st - 818.13 ft "s.e. cor. of V. Jefferson & Secoud street. - 819.46 f' the' elevation given being above the officia eitv datum and along the center line of sucl walk. and the grade Unes to consist o straight lines betweeu the several poiuts oi stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Oounol the grade of the sidewalk on the north eas de of Washtenaw Ave. ought lo be changed and flxed and established, to the end tha such street may be made suitable aud san for public travel, therefore ' Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the erade of the sidewalk on and along the nortl ast side of Washteuaw Ave. from east line o Wllmot st. to uorth line ol S. University Ave be and the same is hereby changea, flxet an'd established, so that the grade of sak aidewaU on and along the street aforesaic shall be as follows, that is to say: At, n. e. oor. Wllmot st. and WashteÏ11Ï.W A.V6. - --- -- - ÖVo.öU I " 150 ft from n. e. cor. Wilmot st. and Washtenaw Ave ..Vib.u t " 250 ft from n. e. cor. Wilmot st. and Washtenaw Ave . -874.8U t " 3W ft from n. e. cor. Wilmot st. and _ Washteuaw Ave -8iJ.7o t " n e cor. S. University Ave. and Washtenaw Ave - 873.,o tlie elevatiOQ given being above the official city d 'tuui aud alongthe center line of SUOh walk, and the grade lines toconsiet of straight lines bet ween the several points or stations above staled. Adopted. By Aid. Kitsoii: Whkrbas, in the opinión of the (Joiinei! the gratie ol the sidewalk on the soutli side of Uil 1 st. ought, to be changed and fixed and eslaollslied, tothe end that such Street inay be made suitable and safe lor public travel, therefore Ri olved, Aud it is hereby ordered that the grade uf the sidewalk 011 and along the soutli side of riiil st. from west line of E. University Ave. to east line of Tanpau st. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and establlshed, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At s. w. cor. E. University Ave. aud Hill st 867.41 ft " 135 ft west of s. w. cor. E. University Ave. and Hill st 867.91 ft " east liue of Tappau st.. 873.23 ft the elevation given being above the official city datura anu along the center lineof such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opiuiou of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on tlie south side of S. University Ave. ought to be chauged aud fixed aud establisüed, to the end that such street muy be made suitable aud saie for public travel, therefore Resolved, anu it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the south side of S. University Ave. from east liue of tast University Ave. to west liue of east Waehtenaw Ave. be, aud the same is hereby changed fixed aud established, so that the grade of sald sidewalk ou aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : Ats.e. cor. of E. Univ, Ave. and S. University Ave 809.35 ft " s. w. cor. of Church st. & S.Unlv. ave.871.39 ft " s. e. ' " " ' " 871.52 ft " s. w. " " Forest Ave. " " " 875.97 ft " s. e. " " " ' ' " " 876.73 ft ' 150 ft e. of s. k. cor. Forest Ave and S. university Ave 877.29 ft ' 270 ft from s. e. cor. of Forest Ave. & S. University Ave S73.85 ft ' s. w. cor. of Washtenaw Ave. & S. University 873.29 ft ie elevatloii given being above the official ïty datum and along the center line of such valk, and the grade lines to consist of straight ues between the several points or stations bove stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitfioa: Whereas, i . the opinión of the Council the ade of the sidewalk on the west side of Gott treet ought be changed aud fixed and esablished, to i.;e eud that such street may b ïade suitable and safe for public travel, thereore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk ou aud aloug the west de of Gott street from north line of Miller venue to a poiut 628 feet uorth of the north ine of W. Summit street be, and the same is ïereby changed, fixed aud established, so that ie grade of said sidewalk on and along the treet aioresaid shall be as follows, that is to ay: t u. w. cor. Miller ave. and Gott st 839.04 ft ' angle in Gott st 843.32 ft ' n. w. cor. Hlscock st. aud Gott st- -850 08 ft ' s. w. cor. W. Summit st. and Gott st. 861.95 ft ' n. w. cor. V'. Summit st. aud Gott st.S63.56 ft ■ 528 ft. north of uorth liue of W. Summit, st 879.53 ft ie elevation giveu beiug above the official city atum and aloug the center line of such walk, ld the grade lines to consist of straight liues etweeu the several poiuts or statious above tated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whekeas, in the opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the west side of Brooks ;reet ought to be changed and fixed aud estabshed. to the end that such street may be ade suitable and safe for public travel, thereore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk ou and along the west de of Brooks street, from north liue of Miller venue to a point 528 ft uorth of the north liue : W. Summit street be, aud the same is hereby hauged, fixed aud established, so that the adè of said, sidewalk ouaud along the street oresaid shall be as follows, that is to say : t n. w. cor. Miller ave. and Brooks st-4S.31 ft ' s. w. cor. Hiscock st. aud Brooks st.t54.08 ft 264 ft. uorth of north line of Hiscock st 859 42 ft ' centre line of V. Summit st S75.W) ft ' 528 ft. north of north liue of W. Summit st 891,83 ft he elevatiou giveu being above the official city atum aud along the center line of such walk, ud the grade Unes to consist of straight lines etweeu the several poiuts or statious above ated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, in the opinión of the Couneil the rade of the sidewalk on the east side of Gott ireet ought to be changed and fixed and esablished, to the end tuat such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, thereore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade of the sidewalk ou aud aloug the east ide of Gott street, from north line of Miller veuue to a poiut 528 ft. north of uorth line of ' Summit street be, aud the same is hereby hauged, fixed aud established, so that the rade of said sidewalk ou aud along the street foresaid shall be as follows. that is to say : t n. e. cor. Miller ave. and Gott st S3S.96 ft angle iu Gott st 843.3-2 ft ' n. e. cor. Hiscock st. aud Gott st 819.17 ft ' s. e. cor. W. Summit st. aud Gott 8 1 -860.95 ft ' n. e. cor. V. Summit st. and Gott st.8'j3.56 ft ' 528 ft. north of uorth liue of W. Summit st 879.J3 ft he elevation given being above the official city atum and along the centre liue of such walk, nd the grade liues to cousist of straight liues etween the, several points or stations above tated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the rade oí the sidewalk on tfie east side of Brooks treet ought. tobe ehanged aud flxed mui esabllshed, to the end that such street may be ïade auitable and safe for public travel, thereore ■ ' i-d. nud it ís hereby ordered that the rade ui the sidewalk on and aloug the east ide of Brooks .street, from north line of Miller venue to a point 528 feet north of the north ine of YV Summit street bu. and the same i-1 ïereby changed. fixed and established. so tuut, hegrade of said sidewalk on and along the treet aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to jty : t u. e. cor. Mtller ave. and Brooks 8t- 847.31 ft ■ . e. cor. Hiscock st. and Brooks st_8 i ■ ■;! ft. north of uorth liue of Hiscock st 858.47 ft ■ s. e. cor. W. Summit st.nnd Brooks st ," 92 ñ ■ n e. cor. W. Suimit8t. aud Brooks st 873.42 ft " Ö2S ft. uorth of north line oí W. Summit st Sb9;; ít hr elevation giveubeing aboye the official city latum and along the ceuter liue of such walk, aud the grade liues to cousist of straight liues ietween the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: WH3BBAS, in the opinión of the Couucil the snule of thu sidewalk ou the south side of Packard street ought to be chauged and fixed and established. to the eud that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, aud it is heraby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud aloug the south side of Packard street. from east liue of S. Fifth avenue to west line of Hauover square be, and the sume is hereby changed, fixed aud established. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and ftloug the street aforesaid shull be as tolluns, that is to say: At s. e. cor. S. Fifth ave. and Packard st. 851.71 ft " 160 ft. e. of s. e. cor. S. Fifth ave. aud Packard st 855.57 ft " west line of Hauover square 853.46 it the elevatiou given beiug aboye the official city datum and along the ceuter line of such walk. and the grade liues to cousist of straight lines ix'tweeuthe several poiuts or statious aboved stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Whkkeas. in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of church st. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such streel may be made suitable and safe for public travel. therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk ou and aloug the wc-t side of Church st. from north line of Colloge st. to south west liue of Washtenaw and the same is hereby changed, flxed and estiibllshed, so that the grade of sald sidewalk ou aud along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. that is to say : Atn.w. cor. College st. aud Churchst. 877.93 ft " u. w. cor. Washtenaw Ave. &" " 881.67 ft the elevation given being above the official ! city datum and along the center line of such ! waik, aud the grade Lines to cónsist of straight i I nes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kiteon: Whereab, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the north side oí W. summit st. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe ior public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aiid along the north side of W. Suminit st. from w. side of N. Main st. to east side of Spring st. be, and the same is hereby chauged, rixed aud established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At the n.w. cor. of N.Main & Summit st.773.85ft " 2-20 ft from u. w. cor. N. Maiu & ' " 787.21 ft " T. & A. A. K. R 793.41 ft " augle in Summit st. -'7.5u '.t " n. e. cor. of N. First st. i Summit st. 839.94 ft "n.w. cor. ' 1 42.94 ft " n. e. " Spring st. ' ■ " bo, 35 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum ana along the center line of such walk, and the grade linea to uousistof straight liues betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Afd. Kitson: Whkkeas. in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side oí S. Maiu st. ought to be changed. aud flxed and established. to the end that such street may be made suitable aud pafe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it ia hereby ordered that the ?rade of the sidewalk on and aloug the west =ide of South Maiu st. from south line of William st. to uorth line of v. Jeffersou st. be, and the the saine is hereby chauged, lixed and sstablished, so that the rade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to sav: At s w. cor. of William st. & S. Main St .887.01 ft' " 300 ft south of.iv. cor. of William st. and S. Main st. 836.83 ft " 450 ft south of s.w. cor. of William st. aud S. Main st. 834.89 ft " n. w. cor. of West Jeffersou st. & S. Main st 827.69 ft the elevation giveu being above the onieial 2ity datum aud along the center line of such vyalk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several poiuts OT stations ibove stated. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman mored tliat the grade of Washtenaw ave., from South University ave., to Hill st., be referred back to tlie city engineer. Adopted. By Alderman. Martin: Wherbas, in the opinión of the Council the rade on Gott street ought to be changed aud fixed aud established, to the end that such itreet may be made suitable for public travel ind tranie. Therefore Resolved, and it is bereby ordered that the ;rade on Gott street, from'Miller avenue to a poiut 594 ft. north of center of W. Summit treet be, and the same is hereby cbauged 'rom the present grade and flxed "and estabiished, so that the grade on aud aloug such ïtreet shall be as follows, that is to sav: t north line of Miller ave 1x39.00 ft " angle in Gott st S4Í82 ft " center of Hiscoek st S4ïS6? ft " center of W. Summit st t(0.45 ft " 594 north of center of W. Summit st. 879.00 ft ;he elevation given being above the official city latum and along the center line of said street, ;he roadway to conform thereto, aud the grade hereof to consist of straight liues betweeu the ieveral points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, that the gradiug and construction f the sidewalks hereiuafter mentioned is leeined aud declared a necessary public imjrovement Therefoee. it is hereby ordered that plank idewalks be graded. built and coustructed on md aloug the following streets and in front of ;he following property in the city of Aun Ar)or. viz : On Catherine street, alone: the north and iOuth sides. from Ingalls to Clark streets. On Forest avenue, along the east side from South Uuivei sity avenue, to Hill street. Ou East University avenue, northerly and vesterly sides, from 'Hill to Fackard streets. Ou Summit street, aloug the south side, rom Detroit to Beakes streets. On North State street. aloug the west side, rom Kiugsley to Fuller streets. That all such sidewalks be graded, built, and ■oustriicted lu the manner withln the time md of the material prescribed by the pro,-ision of au ordmance "Entitled an Ordinance ïelative to Sidewalks," aud on the grade to e established. Adopted. By Alderman Martin: Whereas. in the opinión of the Council the ; rrade on Miner ?treet ought to be changed and ixed and established, to the end that such treet may be made suitable for public travel uid trame. Therefore Besnlvid, and it is hereby ordered that the ;rade on Miner street, from center of W. Bummit street to the ceuter of Felcli itreet be, and the same is hereby chauged l'rom the present grade aud flxed and lished, so that the grade on and along such j ?treet shall be as follows, that is to say : i At center of W. Summit st 870.24 ft " ceuter of Hiscockst 851.90 ft ' center of Felch st ...836.12 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum aud aloug the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, aud the erade thereof to conslst of straight between the several points or stations nbove stated. Adopted. I By lAldermau Martin: Whkkeas, iu the opinión of the Council tbe grade on Brooks street ought to be ehanged and lixt-d and established. to theeud tliat such street may be made aultable for public travel j and trafiíc. Tnereíorc Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade ou Brooks street. ('rom Mlller avenue t , 594 ft. iiorth oí center of W. Summit street be. and the sume is hereby ehanged from the present grade and flxed and established, so that the grade on and along sueh atreet shall be as follows, that is to say: At north Une of Mlller ave 847.81 ft " center of Hiscock st 853.40 ft " 2U4 ft. north of center of Hiscoek st-857.97 ft ' center oí W'. Summit st 873.42 f t '■ f94 ft. north of center of V.Summit_889.üq ft the elevation givenbeingabove the official city datum aud aloug the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto.aud thegrade thereof to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the sum of two lnmdred and fiity dollars ($250.) -be appropriated from the street fund and expended in the grading ot' Gott, Summit and Brooks streets. Adopted as follows : Tea.s-Ald.-i. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, ïaylor, Manly, I'rettyman, Ivitson, Pres. Watt- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.) be appropriated from the street fund and expended in the grading of East Huron street, from Ingalls to Thirteenth streets, Thirteenth st., from Huron st. to Ann street. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettytnan, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars ($50.) be appropriated from street fund and expended in the grading of Monroe street, at the west end of sucli street. Adopted as follows: Yens- Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin. Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays- None. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the clerk be and ís hereby authorized to have printed all ordinances after their flrst reading, for the use of the council. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. Aid. Martin moved that the bids for for printing the council proceedings be now opened. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 10. Nays - None. The following bids were received and opened : The Register and Democrat, joint bid, 20 cents per thousand ems to each paper : pamphlet, usual size, 25 cents per page ; Ann Arbor Courier 30 cents per 1,000 eins, pamphlet 25 cents per page ; Ann Arbor Argus, 30 cents per 1,000 ems, pamphlet 25 cente a page ; The Argus and Courier joint bid, 20 cents per thousand ems to each paper, pamphlet form the same size as last year, for 25 cents per page. Aid. Ferguson moved that the joint bid of Ann Arbor C'ourier and Ann Arbor Argus be accepted and adopted. Adopted as follows : Yreas - Aids. Wagner, Herz, Martin, O'Mnra, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly. Prettvman, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 10. Nays - None. On motion the council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News