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for the 7 lïi Owl and j Moor ' I brand. GILLETT'S MAG IC YEAST ft will make BETTER BREAD thait you have ever made before. POOR BREAD generally meansPOOR YEAS POOR YEAST always meansPOOR BREAD Look for the Owl and Moon. At sour Gncer's THE BEST !Blood Purifier I IN THE WORLD. VVHY SUFFER with that chronic LJS Jisease? Do you want to die? Sul: ' phur Bitters will cure you as it has thousands. Ji Whï do you suffer with that '■■■■111 IMIII -- - - - g JFOUL. OFFENSIVE BREATH? J You need not if you use Sulpliur Bitters. They never fail to cure. rij Operativeswhoarecloselyconfined ijj iu the milis and workshops ; clerks IV who do not have sufficient exercise, Jand all who are confined indoors, {' sliould use Sulphur Bitters. They íj will not then be WEAK AND SICKLY. 'H Is your Breath impure. Tour Stomach is out of order. Sulphur 3 Bitters is the best medicine to take. fi Sulphur Bitters will build you up ind makeyou " STRONO ANO HEALTHY. Ji At the dawn of womanhood, Sul phur Bitters should be used. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Odway & Co.. rustou, llass.,f or beat medical work publisheJ CARTERS! CURE Blek Heaaache ana relieve all the tiembles tod tíent to a bilioua Btato of the systom, suoh aa Dizziness, Nanees, Drowsinesa, Distreaa after catiug. Pain in the Bidé, &o. While their most remartable Buccess has been shows ja cudng , SICK Eeaaache, yet Carteas iattla Uven PfHU ara equally valnable in Constipation, curing and proYenting thisannoyingcomplaiiit,"whilo they alao correct all disorders of the stomach,sümulate the livor and regúlate tnebowela. Evon ii Uiey onlj HEAD , idii they wonld be ilmostpriceless to tliose wha i Buffer f rom this distressi ng complalnt; but Í ortu&atl7thelrgoodnees does notend here,andthosa who once try them will find these llttle pilla rainblelneomany waysthatthoy will not bo wit illsg todo without them. But after allaict beu} ACHÍ fie the bañe of so many lires that here Ia whera wemakeourgreatboast. Oor pulseare itwhila ethers do not. Carter" Llttle Llver Pilis ara very small aniï very easy to take. One or two pilla make adose. Üey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bnt by their gentle action pleaae all who use them. In vialaat 23 cents; íivsforíl. Sola by druggists everjwliero, or sont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York: SMALL PILL. SMALL POSE. SMALL PR1CE FapHfireta A Smootb Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stook I The Bestand Chespest Fonee for the Knrm. Made in eizes trom 24 to BS inohes high, cither galvauized or painted. Cali and Examine It And yon will bny no other. M. STAEBLER, Ann Arbor. LANDS FOR SALE. By the Illinois Central II. Ii. Co., at luw prices and cm easy term, in Southern llliiuih. The best farm country in the world for elther larjre or small farms, trardens, fruits, orcharde, dairyinu-, raisiu stock or sheep. A greatcr variety of crops, with a fereuter proflt, can be grown on a less amount of land in this country than can he raised in any other portion of this State. Special inducements and facilities ofiered hy tho nilnoia Central Hailroad Company to i?o and examine these lands. For full description and map and any Information, address or cali npon E. P. 8KKNK, Lantl CommlSHioncr ƒ. C". B B. Co., 78 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News