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ñlMM january 3, 189. uiHGagy and West Michigan Railway. A.M. P.M. P.M, P. M . Loa VOGrn lid Itapids.. 9:0(1 I2;O5 5:30 8:30 Arr. Holland 9:55 12:45 8:25 9:30 Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:4-1 T:06 10:13 " Muskogon 11:06 4:15 7:86 10:tt A.M. PM. Leave Grand Rapids 7:2 6:17 Arr. Newaygo 8:52 6:49 White Cloiul - 0:17 7:15 Blgltapids 10:45 8:15 Daldwin 10:25 8:3-1 " Ludington via p.m. F, &P. M 2:00 10:20 " Manisteo via M. &N. E 13:80 10:22 Traverse City 12:45 10:5 Elk Bapids 1:45 11:59 'Uaily. Other trains week days ouly. Pree Chalr cars between O rand Rapids and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapids 5.17 P. M. The " Favoritos" between Detroit, Grand Rapids and all points in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DkHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. MJauuary 3. 1892. 5 Lansine and Northern Eailroad, A.M. PU. I P.M. P.M. Leave Howell 10:22 3:15 9:01 Arr. South Lyon.... 10:62 - Plvmouth 11:13 9:64 Detroit 12.-00 5:10 10:40 ...... Leave Howell '"8:40 13:4K 8:46 7:lt Arr. Lnnsing 9:45 2:00 7:5 8:11 Grand Led re.-10:10 3:50 8::.'5 8:4C Lake Odessa ... 10:50 9:1C Grand Uapitis.. 11:50 10: 1 Ipnia.. .......... 110 3:45 9:40 P.M Groenville 12:23 4:58 10:37 Howard Oity... 1:00 5:35 11:20 Kast train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell 2 :37 p m, arrivo at Lniisiiig 3:2(! p ra. Grand Rapios 5:15 pm. Leavé Grand liapkls l:üo p m, arriye at Lansing 2:55 p oa, Howell 3:45 p in, Detroit öriii p m. Parlor Cars on all train g between Detroit and Grand itiipidg. Seats 25e for anvdistance, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Timo table effect October 1, 1802. l,eixvc Ann Arhor ïrotn Court HotlM at 7.20, 9 80. 10.60 a, m., and 1.00, 2.50, 4 20, 5.50, 7.20, 8.50, 10.50 p. m. Leave Ypxilanli at 7.00, 9.00, 10.80, a. m. and 12.10, 2.30, 4.0fl. 5.30, 7.00, 8.30, 10.30 p. m. SUNIIAÏ TIME TAUI.E. Leavo Ann Arhor (rom Cnurt lhmsc at 2..'J0, 3.50, 5.20, 6.60, 8.20, 9.50, p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 2.00, 3.30, 5 00, 6.30. 8.00, 9.3", p. m. Cara run m City Time, twmty-eight minutes Oían Standard Time. Coupon tickets, 15 cents. For sale by conducto rs. iLUp We have received our Large Stock of New Spring designs. PriCCS Crl'Catly Beduced. Best Papers at 5 to 6 Cts. a Rol!. Heavy Whites at 7 to 8 Cts. a Rol!. Fine Gilt Papers at 8 and 10 a Roí!. Embossed Paper at 12 to 15 Cts. a Rol!, Best Stock in the city to select fiom Good Window Shades, all complete, on spring Rollers, at 25c each. Particular attention given to P.vper Ilanging and Decorating. WainBookste Opp. Court House, Main Street Ann Arbor. REP0ET OF THE G0NDITI0ÏÏ Oï THE 7MES' 4 mm uu - AT- A Til ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, May 4, 1893. UESOÜKCES. Loans and discounts $290,819:3 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgagcs, c-tc 113,240 07 üverclrafm 5,167 57 Dne from bnnk in restórvc citlca. 31,975 01 Oue from other banks aud bunkers,. 2,691 75 Furnituro :ind ÜXUires 2,000 00 Currcnt expenses and tiixes paid 1,799 78 Interest paid 4,012 07 Chcckn and cash it;ms 5,810 65 Nifkels rul ponnies 278 55 3old coin 13,76750 Silvtr coin 1,54230 U.S. and National BankNot.s 13.126 00 Tolal Í4S9.2S211 UÁI5ILITIE8. Capital etock puld in $ 50,000 00 Sui-plns rund. 20,000 60 ÜDdivldod profits. 10,90020 Individual deposita U8.704 7 OeTtini:atc"Hoi' doposit 184,81632 Savins; flenositi 95,20'! 00 Duo 10 banks und banken 87 80 Total Í48O,2S211 STATE OP MICHIOAN, j Couuiy of Vushtenuw, ihs' I, Fríídcriok H. lïolsRr, Cfishiilr of the above oam6d bank, do 6oU;nmly swt'ar tfaat th ubove statement is tnie to ihe bent of my knowledge and belief. F. H. llni.siin, Oashier, Subseribcd and swom to bcfore methis llth day Jf May, 1SD3. H. A. Wir.uuis, Notary Public Correct- Attest . ('HAS. E. GBEEHK, ) W'm. v. Stevens, VDirectm-s. Amkkosk Kkarnev, J JAY O!. TAYLOR 7' urn Soloisl and Teacher of Ihr Volee. Vocal Studio, 51 S. Main Street A.Z5TO5T 4EBOE. M. P. VOGEL, DEAI.BR IN FYo-th, Salt anti S notee'd VTftals And game in siason. 22 3 3' TT R.O ÏNT S T t;2. E ET RrÏÏffVBTsT SALVE IN USE j 1 !J!oraraB&,vt HFor Itinüwonn, Toisón, Tetler, iJSSSiStSBttJft _'"■]., Kycs, Barber's Itch, raHB9uU8iiwiu:i" VIccth, i'IlcH, Bunis. I Miftfg BAV:irr:iritf I to cure Itching l'iles. IjA I V C# K Èv ruuil -' ei ui -. gfëLr&sivfFfö P.'W. LKTiHÜ ft CO.EoathCanin.ri


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News