Death Of Ald. Fillmore
Ariel H. Fillmore, alderman of the third ward, died at bis home on Spring Street, Saturday night at ten o'clock. He had been ill for a number of weeks and his recovery had not been expected but about a week previous, a turn for the better had apparently come and his friends expected to see him out again. The funeral services occurred Tuesday afternoon at his residence, the city officials and the Knights Templar attending in a body. Aid. Fillmore was born in Dexter township in this county, September x6, 1846. He was a nephew of ExPresident Millard Fillmore, from whom he inherited quite a sum of money a few years ago. He was married to Miss Kittie Alderton in 1867 and for some years ran a farm in Ann Arbor town. He had resided in this city for twelve years and had been an engineer in the flouring milis of the city. He was elected alderman of the third ward in 1891 on the republican ticket and was reelected this spring. He was a member of Ann Arbor Commandery K. T. and of the Mystic Shrine. Aid. Fillmore was a very popular man, upright and true to his convictions, of kindly disposition, generous hearted and kindly disposed towards his fellow-men. In his official capacity of alderman, he carefully guarded the interest of his ward and took a great interest in the welfare of the city. Although living in a democratie ward it would have been impossible to defeat him. He was not a strong partisan. The council held a special meeting Monday night and adopted appropriate resolutions, which will be found in the council proceedings.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Millard Fillmore
Kittie Alderton
Ariel H. Fillmore