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Council Proceedings

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OFFICIAL. I Council Chamber. Aun Arbor, June 12, 1893. Special session. Cailed to order by Pres, Watts. Iíoll ealled. A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner- 1. Followim; is the cali : Aun Arbor. June 12, 1S93. To the City Clerk :- You re hereby required to cali a speciaj meeting of the coniraou coüncil of the city oí Aun Arbor, tor Monday evenins. June 12tb, at 7 o'clock, lor' tlie pui pose of suitablc action ii the death of Alderman A. H. Fillmore. W. W. WATTS, l'resident. Aid. Mwnly moved that the presir i'.ent appotot a eoinniittee of three to Oraft proper ï on the death of our fellow council-man, A. H. Fillmore. Adopted. Pres. Watts appomted the followfjig committee : A Hls. Manly, Prettyman and Fernuson. On moti'Oii of Aid. Morfcia a reces? of fifteem minutes was taken. After the expiratioai of fifteen minutes the eouncil re-assembled and the committee on resolutions on the death of Aid. Fillmore offered the foUowJaig resolutiou : "We, the Conimon Council of tlnï City of Aun Arbor, asjenibled, having learned of the' death of Aldermau Ariel II. Fillmore, in due appreeiat.ion of his service to bis waxd and city are desirious of acknowledging his worth as am offer by plaeiug on the records of the city, the following resolutkxns : "Be ilfc Resolved, That in the death oí Alderman A. H. Fillmore, we lose a ta-ue friend, a genial associate and au able counselor, and the city an official lever at his post ready for duty, diechaj-glng bis official acts without íear or favor. "In due peepeet to liis memory and past service, it ia ordered that liis clvair be properly draped for the period of thirty days. ■"Be it furt hor Resolved, That individually as well as an official body, Ave extend to the family of the deeeased, out heartfelt sympathy Sn tliis their hour of affliction ; "Be it further Kesolvc-d, That these resoluttone be spread upou our records and a transcript therefrom be furnished the press of the city, and that the clcrk be and is hereby in-structed to present to the family of the deceaaed a true copy tliereof." C. H. MAXLY, H. G. PRETTYMAN, A. 1'. FERGUSON, Committee. Aid. tfnow moved tliat the resolutions be iceepted and adopted. Adoptëd. Aid. Prettyman moved tliat this council and the city offieers be notified to meet at the council cliamber June 13th, at 4 o 'doek p. :n., for the purpose of attendiog the funeral of Ald. A. H. Fillmore. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned.