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Mortgage Sale. rEFAL'LT HAVINGBEEN M.ÍDK IX THE conditions of a certalu mortgage tnade by Henry Mathews and María Mathews, hi-, wife, toThe Huron Valley Building and Savlngs Associal Ion of Aun Arbor, Michigan, a corporatlon organlzed and dolng business under ilie laws of the State oí Michigan, at aiim tYrbor, Michigan, rlated Pebruary twentyieventb A. D. 1891, and reoorded in the office if tlie Register of Deeds, for tlie Couiity of IVaslitenaw and State of Michigan, on the twenty-eight day of February A. D., IBM, in líber 74 of mortgages. on page 265 on whlch mortgage there la cluimed to be due at the late of thls notice the sum of one thousaad iix hundred and ninety onc dollars, and eventy-two cents, and an attorney's fee of ;hirty-five Dollars provided for in said mortjajre, and no suit or proceedinga at law havins been instituted to recover the money.s secured by said mortRase, orauy nart thereof: Now therefore, by virtue of the power of ale oontained in said mortgage, and the itatute in such oase made and provided, notice is hereby given tbat on Saturday the fifteenth day of July A. D., 1!3, at ten o'clock n the forenoon, 1 shall sell at public auction, ■o the hifrbest bidder, at the north front door iftheOouri House in the City of Ann Arbor, that belng the place vhere the circuit court tor Wasntenaw County ia holden), the preñases described in saitf mortgage, or 00 much hetvof as may be neceesary to pay the imountdne on saM mortgage, with seven per ent. interest, and all legal costs, tosetner ivitli an attorney's fee of thirty-five dollars ovenanted for therein, the premisos belng lescrfbed In sa tl mortgasre as all thai n-rtain ot, plece, andparcel, of land sitúate in the Jity of Ann Arbor, In the County of Washtejaw and State of Michigan, and known and lescribed a.s follows: Commeucin twentyjne (21) feet west of the north east. corner of ot number three (3) in block number one il), ioutli range number three (3) east, thence iouth seventy-two (72) feet, thence west :wenty-one {21) feet, thence north seventy:wo (7ü) feet, thence east twenty-one (21) leet :o the place of beginning. The Hcron Vam.f.y Building And Savings Association of Ann Arbor, Michigan, By THOS. D. Kearney, Attorney, Mortjragee. State Tax Lands. COUNTY TREASCRER'S OFFICE, Ann Arbor, Mich., April 18, 1893. f Notice is hereby given that certain lands iituated in the county of Washtenaw bid off to the state for taxes of 1389 and previous rears, and described in statements on file in this office, will besold at public auctiou by the undersigned county treasurer, at the xmnty seat, on the flrst day of May, 1893, at the the place designated for the annual tax tales, if not previously cauceled according to law. Said statements contain a full description 3f each parcel of said lands, and may be seen m application at the office of the county reasurer. The land si ruck off to the state for taxes of 18S9, or other years, at the tax sales In May ast, will be offered subject to the right of reiemption prescrihed by law. PAUL G. SÜKEY. County Treasurer. Notice ia hereby given that the flrst day of hr -.ale of the above mentioned State tax ands has been postponed until Saturday, May 13. Dated, May 1, 1893. Paul G. Sükey. Countv Treasurer. Estáte of Isaac Farnlll. VTATEOF MICHIGAN, COÜNTT O of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of th( Probate 3onrt for the Oounty of Washtenaw, hold ;n at tlie 'róbate Oíñce, in the City of Ann Arbor. on 'hursday, the Ërst day of June, in the ear one thousand eight hundred and mnetyhree. Present. J. Wülard Babbitt, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of theeslate of Isaac Farnill,de eased. On reading andfilinsr thepetition, duly verified, f Willnin. H. Farniil, praving that administiaion of said estáte may be granted to George Read, jrsome other eu itable persou. Thereupon it is ordeied, that Monday, the 6th day of June, inst , at ten o'clock in the orenoon, be aasijrned for the hearing of said etition and that the heirs at law, if said lieceased, and all other persons ntereated in said eetate are required to ïppear at a session of sai1 court, then to 3e holden at the Probate Ofne in the city ot A.nn Arbor, íind show cause, if any there' be, vhy the prayer of the ptitioner should lot ' be granted. And it is further orderea, that aid petitioner give notice to the persons interstedmsaid estáte of the peDdency of said petiüon nd the hearing thereof, bv causin a copy of this rder to be published in the Ank Abboe Argus, newspaper pjinted and oirculated in said county, hree successive weeks previous to said day of earing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jndge of Probate. Vh. U. Dotï, Probate Register. Estáte of Michael Cowan. TATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. At a seBSion of the Probate Jourtfor thf County of Washtenaw, holden at the róbate Office in the City oí AnD ArVor, on londay, the 24th day of May, in the year ne thouandeirht hundred and nicety-three. Present. J.Willard Babbitt, Jtidge of Probate. ín the matter of the estáte of Michael Cowan. ec eased. On readina and fiHng the petition, dulv verified, f Marianna Cowen. prayins that a certain nstrument now on file in this Court, urporting to be the lust will and testament 1' said deceased may be admitted to probate nd that administration of said estáte may be 'ranted to herself, the executrix in said will .amed , or to some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 9thdy of Jnnenext, at ten o'elock in the foreloon, be assiened for the hearing of said petition, ind that'thedevisees, legateesand heir3 at law of aid deceased and all other persons interested in aid estáte, are required to appear at a pessïon af said Court, thsn to be holden at the Proate Office, in the oity of Ann Arbor, and bowcauic, if any there be, why the prayer oí he petitioner should not be granted. And it is urther ordered, that said petitioner give notice o the peraona interested in ëaiJ estáte ot the rendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, )vcausing a copy of tliie order to be published in he Ann Arbok ARGbs, a newspaper pnnted and circulatfd in said County, three suceessive weeks previous to said duv of hearing, J. WILLARD BABBITT, LA true copv] Jndge ot' Probate. William G. Dotv, Probate Resrister. Estáte of Ernst G. Haarer. . TATE OF MICHIGAN, C0CNTY OF Washtenaw, sa. At as ?ssion of tbc Probate Court for the County of Wastitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. the Ü4th day oí May, in the year one 'housaml eisht hundred aud oinety-tbree, Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Jndge of Probte, In the matter of the estáte of Ernst 8, Haarer, deceased. John Jacob Knnpp. execuior of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes into court .ind representa iliat he is now prepared lo reuder liis final account of such executnr. Thereupou it is ordeied, tüat Tuesay, the 20th day of June next at 10 o'elock in the forenoou, Deissieued for examtDin!; and allowine such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirsat-law of said deceased, and 11 other persous interesti in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in sbid County, and show canse, if any there be, why the saiJ account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said exeoutox give notice to the persons interested in said estáte oí the pendenc; oí aaid account and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published ii the Ass Abbor Argus, a newspaper pnnted and circulatiof? in said county, three successive weets previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, ( true copy) Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Register, Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The Circuit Court fortheCouuty of Washtenaw, in Ohancery. Suit pending in said Court at Ann Arbor, the 24th day oí May, 1893. Wherein Franklin Moyer is complainant and Emma M. Moyer is defendant. In this cause, it appeariug from the affidavito Densinore Cramer on rile in this cause, that the deferjdant, Etuoaa M. Moyer, is a non-resident of the Slate of Michiscan, but resides ia the State of New York; therefore, on motion of Cramer & Cramer solicitors for complainant, it is ordered that the defendant eater her appearanoe in said cause on or before four months trom the date of this order ano that withiu twenty d:iys the complainan cause thisonierto be publ.shed in the ann Arbor Argts. said publication to be continuad once eacl week for six weeks in succession. E. D. KIN'NE, Circuit Judge. Oramer & Cramkr. Solicitors for Coruplainant. 1 )R. A .ffit .FLYNN, OFFICE, No. 3 East Hnron Street. KESIDEN'CE. No. 9 North First Street Hours-9 to 1O-.3O a. m. 1 to 3 p. m 6;3O to 7:3O p. m.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News