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Foreclosure Sale. PEFAUT.T H'Yïvr, üFEX MADE FOK L' more than nlhety days in the puvnient of ; overdue ai) piiyxbte O'i dated Ootober 22 tófli, made by ,1o tban D Juri-y and Sarah J. Curry, ble (vife, to i.omax I. Oook, aifd reeorded ín the ol the Relater oí Deeds for the county oi VTashtenaw, n the Sta te of Michigan, on the 24th day ot' Jctober, 1891, in liber TH of mortgages on page 08, for whioh default saíd Lomáx B. Cook fy irtue of the rijrht given him by said mort rage, Iia9 made ad hereby inakes the wbole rincipal sumof the mortgage and the Interest ccrued thereon now due and payabie aud on mortgage there is claimed to be due t the date ol this notiee the sum of eiuht hundred sixty-eight dollars and seventy-flve ents(ÍSlw.T5i,and no snit or proceedings at aw havlng been instituted to recover the mount secured by said mortgaïe or any part hereof. notiee is therefore hereby -riven that on Tuesday, the 8th day of August, 1893, at wo oclock in the afternoon,. tliore will be old at the front door of the Court House, in hc City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, sa'd Court House beingthe building in whicl, the Cirouit Court or the County of Washtenaw is held at pubic.-uirtion to the highest bidder, theprernises escrlbed in sucb mortgage, or as much hereof as may be neeeaeary to satisfy the mount due on said mort, -age as above set ortli, with the Interest thereon, and the oet.s, charges and expenses Ulowed by law nd provided for ín sa id mortgage, said premsesbeintr sitúate in theTownshipof Superior n the County of Washtenaw and State of üchigan, aud deseribed as the novth thirty 30i acres of the west half of the north-west uarterof section thirty-two (32) in township wo (2) south of range seven (7 east. Dated, Detroit, May lü 1893 LOMAX lï. CÓOK, Mortga?ee. ohn Wakp, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAYTNG BEEN MADE IN THE eonditions of a mortsage executed by ilham H.ShallandTillieShall, his wife. to The Ann Arbor Cooperative Savings Associa12P' May 28th, A. D. 18S9. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washteuaw County, June lst, 1S89, in liber 73 of Mortga-es on page 141, which mortgage was by general .issignment assigned to the successors of The Ann Arbor Cooperative Association, The Ann Arbor Savings Association, upon which mortrage there is claimed to be due at the date of his notiee for principal, interest and attorneys fee as provided for in said mortgage. the um of two hundred and niuety-one dollars ind eieren cents. Notiee is hereby riven that aid inortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of he mort,'aged premises at public vendue to be highest bidder, on the 2M day of September 1S93 next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, it the southerly iront door of the Court House n the City of Ann Arbor, iu said County, to at isfy the amount elaimed to be due on said " mortgaged premises and all legal eo6ts, to wit: _,ot number thirty-one (31) and the westerly lalf of lot number thirty (30) and ten feet in width of the westerly part of the easterly half of said lot number thirty (30) runnin tbu whole length of said half lot, all in Travers addition to the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan. Dated June 12th, 1893. CHAS. H. KLINE. Attorney for the Assignee, Ann Arbor Cooperative Savings Assoeiation. Per John R. Mixer, Secretary. Estáte of Michael Keelan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUKTY 0 of Washtenaw, ss. At a eession of the Probate iourt for the oounty of W aslitenaw, holden at the 'rohate Office, in the of Add Arbor, onlonday, the twe!fih day "of June, in the year nethousand eieht hundred and ninety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Jurtge'of Probate In the matter of tu e estáte of Miehael Keelan, eeeased. On readingand filini; the petition, daly verifled, f Johft Boss, Executor, praying that he" may be icenadto sell the leal estáte whereof said deesed died seized: Thereupon it is ordered. that Tuesday, th lerenth day of July nest, at ten o'clock In he forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aid petition, and that the devisees, egatees, and heirs at law of aaid deceased, od hII other persons iuterested in aid estáte, are required to appear at a session f said court, then to be holaen at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show ause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peitionur sbould not begranted: Anditis fnrtherorered, tbat said petitioner give notiee to tbe perons interested in saidestate,of thependencyof said etition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy f this order to be published in the Ass Arbor ARGüs,a newsoaper printed and circulatinginsaid ounty, three auccessive weeks previous to said day f hearing. J. WILI.ARD BABBITT, A truecopy) Judgeoi Probate WiLLrAM O. Dotv, Probate Recister. Sufferers frmn Piles hould know that the Pyramid Pile Cure will promptly and efïectually etnove every trace of them. Any ruggist will get it for you. WANTED, FOB SALE, ETCT A NN ARBOR NURSERY- Fruit and orna■-mental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Price low. acob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. OR RENT- To family without small children, part of a new beautiful located reidence. Use of range, furnaee and bath oom. Rent Í25.00 per month. Address. Miss arah M. Gardner, 75 Waahtenaw Avi, City. 5OR SALE.- A house and lot, also a good [ horse; bargain. Enquire at 52 Miller aveue. yOR SALE.- Briok house at corner of South C Unlverslty mul Forest Aves. Inquire at he house. 3t D'OB SALE- Two full blood Jersey heifer 1 calves six months and tour and a half nontBe old. Anply to Fred Krause, aucioneer, Ann Arbor. POR SALE- An Empire self binder nearly - new, steel frame. For sale oheap, only leen usedtocut fifty acres of wheat. Fred ilrause, uurtioneer, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goood house, baru, orchard. Beauiful loeation. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf FOE SALE.- Xo. 3 Willard street, seeond door from corner, flrst block from canijus, faces south. Priee present rent capltalzed at 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flora Oakley, or cali after4:30 p. m. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.- Several good farms, farmlng lands and city property, mproved and uuimproved. on verv easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE.- The property known as the M ann homestead located on S. Main St., Ann Arbor, in city lots or one or more acre Dieces. The lar;e two story brick house and frame barn thereon can be had with is much land as desired. Henry J. Manu, 54 S. Main street: 15-28. FOR SALE- At a very low price, the property formerly owned by E. G. Wildt, ueing 12 lots, house and barn sitúate N. W. cor. of N. Main aud Chubb streets, Aun Arbor. Henry J.Mann. 15-88 I HEREBY rive warning that I will not be responsible for any debt incurred and chargrd to my account, by partios otber than myself. John I'. Gutekunst. 22-25 PIANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown. the well known piano tuner with J. Whitney, will bein ihe city soon. Orders left at the arocs office will receive his attention. ROOMS AND Rooms for rent, also board by the week or day or iinsrU' meals. No. 6 North Main street. Mrs. Laura Webster. 22-25 TO RENT.- At No. 20 S. Stilte St. A flat of six rooms. Enquire at IS S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnishcd house heated with furnaoe, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, Room IS, Masonie Block. TO RENT.- Whole or part of house corner of Jefferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, 47 División St. TWO BAY MARES, one seven, other about Bfteen years old, for sale cheap, or trade for one lanre horse. 20 Paekard St. WANTED.- Agents to sell the fastest selling N'ovelty on the niarket. Send 25 cents for sample. Jig-Jas Puzzle Co , Ann Arbor. öo-tf


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News