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Resolutions Of The G. A. R.

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Passed by Welch Post. No. 137, G. A. R., at its regular business meeting, June 9, 1893. Whekeas, The Post feels under special obligatlons to all (especiaüy the authorities of the Universiiy, for the use of Univursity Hall.) wfco so klndly assisted them In the exercisesjof Memorial Day, this year, it o fers the following: Whereas, On the eveDing ol Memorial Day, at Universlty Hall, we were favorecí with slnglng by the girls and boys of our public schools in a manner which rt-ilected credit upon all who took part, especlaliy to Miss Ijucy K. Coie, teacher of ïnusic in the public schools, througli whose effous sucl) gratifyiug resul ts were auaineil, (we congratúlate the school board in liuvlug the services of so efficiënt a teacher.) Therefore be it Resolved, That we extend our grateful ac knowledgment to Professor Perry for hU interest in gatheriug the children lor in straoiion in our patiiottc songs: to Miss AnnaD, Robinsou for valuableassistaice; to the boys and girls for the part they took in iving us such cluvrming singlne; and to the teacher, Miss Cole.we are under special obligattons and trust thatshe may i e long to grace our future memorial occasii n i, " We them oneand all.' And be it further Resolved, 'mat we tender the tlianks of tliis Post to the Misses MlDgay, Anspach, and the young ladies of the Flfth ward for the manner oi delivery and choice of recltationn runüered by them. And be it Resolved, That we, as a Post. extend to the teachers of the flfth ward school, (especially Miss tlora C. Goodale) and ihe scholars oí the saine, our bearlfëlt thanks for the patrlotIsm dlsplayed In preparing and perfornilng the musical exercises of Memorial Day ai Forest Hill as well as the fifth ward ct-inetery. And beit further ,' lolved, That we, as members of Welch Post, No. 137. ürand Army of the Republic, ia regular sessioii assembied, desire to tender lo Hev. Augustine S. Carman, pastor of the First Baptist enurch of Ann Arbor, our sincere and unstinted thanks for the masteiiy, historical and appropriate sermón, delivered before us on Memorial Sunday. May 2S, (as weli as for the other courtesies extended to us as a Post, on that occasion.) And be itstill further Resolved, That, deemingthe said production of such intrlnsic value, we do hereby appoint a oommittee to cali on the Rev. Mr. Caimán and secure, if posslble, a copy of the above mentloned sermón for publication in oneoi the most widely circulated newspapers of the city. And be it also Resolved, That we tendtr our sincere thanks to tne Common Council, Ann Arbor Kiües, Co. A, Light Infantry, the S. of V.. Woman's Kelief Corps, aud to the cllizens generally, for assisting us in the observance of those solemn exereises,in such an impressive manner, thereby instilling the principie of patriotism intcj the minds of the rising generation, and thUB greatly assisling us in doing our duty toward our departed comrades. And be it flnally Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be siread on the Froceedlnirs of tuis Post, and also that copies of the same be furnished to the different uewspapers of the city for Dublicatlon. Senior Vlce and Aetiug Commander. [(.mieiall Atljutant.


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