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for Infants and Children. ! THIRTT yeara' ohservation of Castoria with the patronage of mlUlons of persons, permit os to speak of it without gnessing. It is nnqnestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children the world has ever knowa. It ia harmles. Children Hke it. It gives them health. It will ave their lives. In it Mothers have aomething which 1 ahaolntely gafe and practioally perfect as a ohild'i medicine. Castoria destroya Wonns. Castoria allay Feverishness. Castoria prevent vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria cnrea Piarrhroa and Wind Colic Caatoria relieve Teething Tronbles. Castoria cnres Constipation and Flatnlency. Castoria nentraliaes the eSects of carbonio aeid gaa or poisonoaa air. Castoria doea not contain morphineT opium, or other narcotic prcpTty. Castoria aatimilates the food, regiJates the tomach and bowel-a, f i giving healthy and natnral sleep. Castoria is ppt np in one-size bottles only. It ia not sold in Tsnlk. Pon't allpTV ony one to sell yon anything else on the plea or premiso thatit is"jnt as good " and " will answer every purpoae." See that yoiyget C-A-S-TH?-R-I-A. The fac-simile Ytf7?i ' i on every signatnre of - 'íjÍZyjíJ!cCCc wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News