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Frank Sleator was here on 1 neSday. Dan. Quish visited in Pinckney on Sunday. Fred Wyman spent last week in Ann Arbor. H. Fleming was a Pinckney visitor on Monday. The Misses Haab spent Sunday near Chelsea. T. Birkett was in Howell on business, Saturday. Dr. Honey lost a valuable driving ïorse last week. Miss Mary Bowler is spending a ew days at home. Mr. Schermerhorn, of Pinckney, spent Sunday here. Omar Moore and family spent Sunday at the lakes. P. Lavey was a Pinckney visitor he last of the week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Lavey, a son, June 16, 1893. J. Mclntee visited his parents in 3inckney on Sunday. Robert Erwin spent a few days in fackson the past week. E. Bridgstock has been visiting in Manchester and vicinity. W. Taylor and sister, Miss Sarah spent Thursday in Milan. Mr. Frank Erwin was in Pettysville on business Monday. Mr. H. Smith and daughter Mrs. Bowen visited here last week. Miss Maggie Fleming visited her cousins in Ann Arbor last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Eagan spent Sunday with Pinckney relatives. Miss Blanche Cushman has gone to Chicago to spend the summer. Mr. Pearce was with friends at orth Lake the first of the week. Charles Andrews, of Ann Arbor, visited here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, of Putman, visited friends here Monday. Mr. M. Goodrich visited relatives n Ann Arbor the last of the week. J. Bycraft, of Ypsilanti, was the guest of friends here the past week. Mrs. Sweetman and daughter visted relatives in Pinckney on Sunday. Charles Stannard and family spent a few days at the lakes the past week. Miss Minnie Stoup, of Ypsilanti, visited her sister the first of the week. Mrs. M. Story was the guest of Ann Arbor friends three days last week. Mrs. Will Carpenter visited relatives in Ann Arbor the last of the week. L. Chamberlain and wife entertained relatives from abroad last week. Miss Tessie Reid and Miss Kate VIcCabe, spent Thursday in Ann Arbor. Miss Mary Bentz spent the last of the week with her sister near Ann Arbor. Mrs. Robinson, of Vickburg, is spending a few days with her Darents. Mrs. H. Harris and daughter, of Putnam, spent Saturday with relatives here. Mrs. C. Seper and Miss Soulier was the guests of Ann Arbor friends Thursday. ' Mrs. Judson and family, of Brighton, was the guest of her parents the past week. R. C. Reeve and family are entertertaining their cousin from New York State. S. Davis accompanied by his most intímate friend, visited at Stony Creek recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and son Burt spent Sunday with their cousins at Lima Center. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stabler, of Fosters, spent Sunday with R. Erwin and family. J. Terry and daughter, Mrs. C. Valentine are spending a few days in the White City. Mrs. B. Lynch and daughter, of Pinckney spent Friday and Saturday with her sister here. Mrs. Schultz entertained her daughter and husband from Ann Arbor over Sunday. Mr. N. Reid and sister Miss Tessie attended the social in Pinckney, on Saturday evening. Mrs. George Reason and daughter Miss Josie, of Pinckney visitec! friends here the last of the week. A number from here attended the ice cream and strawberry festiva given at Mr. Backus last Tuesday. The commencement exercises oi the Dexter High School, took place at the opera house, Thursday even ing. Miss Hattie Lucas has closed a very successful term of school in Scio and will return to her home in this place. Nearly all the young men in thi vicinity have purchased new to; buggies making great preparation for the coming Fourth. The lawn social given by the Epworth League at the residence of A. Davis, last Friday evening, was well attended. School in District No. 3 closes today with exercises by the children. The teacher, Miss Mary Cope will return to her home in Ypsilanti.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News