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1 af5 Set right - aJi f yX the proper fune '-4 tions of v.oman3..-Pj boca Dr.Pierce's jt,7 p" Ia vorite Pro il scription is tho í l n ' PI reniedy. It reguI ' A lates and proI V rO'i lili "?otes thcir ac' ifil Tl il iPI tion and r?moves i!l Y II I ' Jij the obstructiona ' -f ajjj suppressions [ which cause tror.ble and rrAseiy. At the two criticiü periods in a woman's life- the change from güühood to womanhood, and, later, the "change of life " - i is a perfectly saf and an especially valuablo remedial agent, that can produco only good results. lt's a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothingand strengtheniag nervino; a legitímate medicine - purely vegetable, perfectly harmless - and carefully adapted, by an expertenced physician, to woman's delicate needs. For all the derangements, irregularities, and weakncsses peculiar to the sex, the " Favorito Prescription " is a remedy so certain that it can be taranleed. 1i it doesn]t give satisfaction in every case, the money is returned. No other medicine for women is sold in this way. No other medicine can be. . i Unlike tue Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.BíteKo.'s ireakfast Cocos, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has -mort tlian three times the strengih oí Cocoa mixed vrith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and 3 far more economical, cgsting less ihan one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers evorywhere. W. Baker & Go, Dorchesíer, Mass. 1 I ! ! I 3 il i a L ! g i fi s II ? I (il Lj ".oí H - fc si I 1 ó Q s 5 i I g 1 !l í I S P 1 la W m W I a. H w I s ?! s S II 1 1 I I i Beslnnínff. First Week. SecondWeeb WEAK MEN INSTANT RELIEF. Cure in 11 days. Never returas. i wlll Bend (sealed) rnrr to my fellow eaBerers a prescription rnCC to enlarge small weak organs. A eure cure for EmisBlons, Lost Manhood, Nervous Debil lty, Varieocele, etc. Address '. .S.]''rauklin,Music Dealer, Marsnnll. MiCh WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRÏCES THE LOWEST OSCAU 0. SOUG, THE DECORATOR, 7O ïsdZITSJ ST. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West ann Strekt. UTERÏ.HACKAJfnBAGGAGE UNE, la the rear of Edward Duffy'e grooeir etore. Hack to all traine, day and nisht. Orders for traína, parties, weddiuiis an'l funerals proinptly attended to. Tetephone, Ar.n Arhor Mieh. M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN ITreih, Salt anrt Staokert .Hcats And iranio in season, 22 E ITXraOtsr aTRE"ST ASTHMA "--.-- GURED, but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwfn give instant rolle'. 25c and 50c Slzes. Sample mailed free. At drugBints or malled on re ceijit of Ijrioe bj The Peeriess Remedy Co.,u"iille, iuoB.


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