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tf6C fQuicKest fTbe ONLY YEAST (YM. Preveots AW aod Cures W'Dyspepsia jDARTER'Sl CURE Blek Eeadache and relieve all the troublea incl fiect to a bilious state of the s jatom. snob aa DizziitesB Nausea, Drowsiuess, Diatresa after eating, Pain in the Side, io. White theirmosé leciarkable buccosb has been shown in ciTing , SICK Hesflache, yet Carter's Little tlver Pillfl ara equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro venting this annoying complaint,while they alstj correctalldiBordersofthestomacliUmulatetha Jlverandregxüatethebo-wels. Eveniitaeyonlj filAD , eb s they wonld be almoBt priceless to t&ose wnO I Buifer ƒ rom this dietressing complaint; but Í ortunately theirgoodneas does notend here.apd thosa Who once try t hem will flnd theae little pilla valueble in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Bat after allsiclc hesd ACHE flsthebaneof somanyllvea that hereïswhera iwemakeourgreatboaat. Oor pilla cure Itwhila I Others do not. 1 Carter'B Little Idver Pilis are very small and very easy to tate. One or two pilla make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleasa all who nsethem. Invialsat25cents; flvofor$l. Sola by dr uggists everywhere, or aent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE THE GREAT BLOOD'AïiD LIYER PÜWFIER ' BulldsyoTi up to a remarkable power of endurance without medicine. The iollowing Is from oneof otir best Clileago tostitutions, St. Mary's Seminary for Glrls : "Wa hare lound your ' BI 03de' an excellent restorative to tüe weak and debilitated, and for tha t)enefit of those wno read this, we wisn to express this iact. " Kespectuflly, SEKVITE SISTEKS, MOXIE CURES SICK HEADACHE. , Sold at 25c a bottle generally. f Hi8 CMcago Moiie Hem Food Co., CHICAGO, USA GET A TICKET OF W. F. LODEOLS 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to i clioiceot' the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman or the Life of P. T. Uarnum (FHEE) when cash purehaee to the amount of 415 has been marie. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR LAIViE OCTAVO, J7S PAGES, ILLCSTRATED. A compendium of ur-erul knowledge necessary tor the practica] uses of everyday life. A complete and perfect g-uide to lii'e ín public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS0F W. T. HERMAN. CROÍVN OCTAVO, 5GS PAGES, ILLDSTRATED. a gTapble narrativi-ol hls boyhoid and eariy life, èducation. career in Florida and California, military acnievetnents. life as a Citizen, last sickness and death ; uüh iw. Ace portrait. THE UFE OF P. T. BAMUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO, Ö2i PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. Hisearly life and struggles. bold venture6 and brilliant ucceps: bis wonderfui career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a citizen. etc- to which is added his famous book, The Art of Moneu Gettina. CHEAP HOMES. ■#■ FarmingLandsin W B Central Michigan ■■ wjWww for saie on easy terms and long time by TSE LAND, LOAN ÁND TITLS CCHPAÏÏ OF MT, PLEASANT, MICHIGAN, FagcWovenWire Fence A Smooth Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock : The Bestand Cheapeet Fence for the Farm. Made in sizeg from 24 to 58 niches high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It And you will buy no other. M. STAEBLER, Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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