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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. A NN ARBOK NUHSERY-Fmtt ana orna mental trees. Peaeh and ponr a speoialty Grape vines, berry plants, %te. Pnce low Jacob Ganzhorn, head oí Sprinp Rtreet. F OH RF.NT-Tofan.U.y without. sm:ill cliiTdren, part of a nevv beautiful looated reBidence. Ose _ol' range, fumare and bath room. Rent $25.00 per month. Addiess, Misa S:i i-u 1 1 ,i. Gardner, '." Wasutenaw Ave., City. FOR SALE.- Brick house at córner of South Unlveralty and Forest Aves. Inquire at the house. 3t L, OB SALE- Au Empire self binder uearly new, steel frame. Por sale eheap, only been used to cut fifty acres of wheat. Fred Krause. auctioneer, Aun Arbor. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Hurón street. Goood house, barn. orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy terms. Apuly to or address E. D. Davis, West Hurou streec, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf FOR SALE.- No. á Willard street, second door from comer, tfrst block from campus, faces south. Price present rent capltalized at 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flora Oakley, or cali af ter 4:30 p. m. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.- Several good farms, farmlng Lauda and city property, improved and unimproved, on very t-:isy terms. FranfcUn L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE.- The property knuwn as the Manri homestead located on S.Main St., Ann Arbor, In city lots or one or more acre Dieces. The large two story brick house and frame barn thereon can be had with as much land as deslred. Henry J. .Manu. 54 S. Main street. 15-28. FOR SALE.- At a very low price. the property formerly owned by E. G. Wildt, being12 lots, house and barn sitúate N. W. cor. of N. Main and Chubb streets, Ann Arbor. Henry J. Mann. 15-28 IHEREBY srive warning that I will not be responsable for any debts iiicurred and ehanred to my account, by partios other than myself. John P. Gutekunst. 22-25 PIANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known plano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the AliGt'S office will receive his attention. EFRIGERATOE FOR SALE.-Good oue, Alaska, all hard case, only been used two months. For sale cheap. Apply to Chas. H. Major, 48 Third Street. ROOMS AND BOARD.- Rooms for rent, also board by the week or day or single meais. No. 6 North Main street. Mrs. Laura Vebster. 22-25 TORENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated wit! furnace, in jrood order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, Room 18, Masonic illock. TO RENT.- Whole or part of house corne.of Jefferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, 47 División St. WANTED.- Agents to sell the f astest sellins Novelty on the market. Send25 cents for 6ample. Jig-Jag: Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tf Summer MILLINERY OPENING Beginning MAY 17, Continuing all Week. 250 hats already trimmed at-cording to tlie latest styles. Everythiny in the line of i... inery that one could ivish for. Fiveladies. including a first class trirnner are alwaya ready to pay the best attentie:: to orders. Ladies. attend the opening and buy your hatsbofore going to the World's Fair. avns-s. .A., otto, Cor. 'Washington and Fonrth Ave. The Bestj - ALLb - 55 service. MW 5! H0T or Coud Water K _ LJ NlfF'GCO., M LJ (o 38 .si m w TRUCK 1 STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 46 Fourth Ave., North Telephone 82. WANTED. Quick, active man at once. Must epeai Ge, mar. and furnish references. SÍS PER WEEK. The Chicago Puldication and Lithograph (lo. 194 Madison St, CHICAGO, ILL. WM.HEBZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON" ST. House, Sign, Oskamenal and Fresco Painter, gilding-, calcimining, glazing and paper uanji ingr. AHworkis done in the best stylp and warrantedto erive satisfatvin. WALLPpl We have recetved our Large Stock of New Spring designs. Prices Greatly Keduced. Best Papers at 5 to 6 Cts. a Roll. Heavy Whites at 7 to 8 Cts. a Roll. Fine Gilt Papers at 8 and 10 a Roll. Embossed Paper at 12 to 15 Cts. a Roll. Best Stock in the city to select from Good Window Shades, all complete, on spring Rollers, at 25c each. Particular attention given to Paper Hanging and Decorating. Wahr's Bobksfan Opp. Court Hcrase, Main Street. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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