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IS YOUR ELOOD IMPUTA: ? Ara you cufferlns frorn any Kidney Or Female Complaint ? Hf.vfj s'ou a Couh, Coid or any disease of Throat, Chest or Lung: ís yci:r Liver'perförmlng its functions properly? If you have any ?i' theso complalnts it wil! certainly pay you to try the medicines meñtionsd below, which are warranted. A REMARKABLE CUR1. „ L, Messrs. foley & co., cbica.u'o. %ivíc L5aisapanlla Gentlemen:- I had a scroiuloM.s ai the blood from childhood. An cüoer buKüu 011 t!ao sideof thenose, havins: all the appeavauc. : .■ 1 ne ÏTIOSI DOVVeriUl tílOOCl most malignant cáncer, became abont thesize oí' a silver dollar and ezuded a thin, olïensive matCleanser. ter. The agony of mind I suffered cannot be described as I conteinplatad tho progress of the disease. I was induced to try tho Clinis Sarsaparüla ; it appeared to neutralizo tho poison in tho . ï" blood, the ulccr coased. The diseased tissues SJSS wïlflïC SJUtieV UtlfS in the bottom and edces of the soro eeemed to M "■ J " loosen and the natural flosh to tako its place. Thus tho euro continued uctil an even s-.rface Warranted for all KidriÊV remained. No part of the disease romaina. VVdridllieu lur dll MUliey Mks. H. B. Adajis, Pnmnlnintï 1609 Wabash Ave., Chicaeo. j OmpiainiS. SUFFERED 27 YEARS. Mr. G. A. Stillson, a morchant of Tarr.pico.Ill., _ MM8fet?Teth:18ïl: FoSey's Honey and Tar Gentlemen : - Your Jüdnoy Cure is meeting " with wondorful snecéss. It lias oured some Cmtcrh 7fiin cases here that physiciana pronouuced incur! VUUgll Jjl U' ablo. I, myself, am able to testify to its inerits. My faceto-day is a living picture of healtli. and rrr4-aA +1-, Ro(,t your Kidney Cure has made it such. I had sufWarranted tlie Best. fered twenty-seven yeara with the disease, and to-day I feel ton yoars younger than I did one year ago. I can obtain some wooderful certificates of its medical qualities. what a PHisiciAM says. Foley's patiiily Pilis Agnew, Ottawa Co., Mich., Feb. 11, 1S93. FOLET & Co , Chicago. C-, rrctii-i'3+;-.n T-Io-5. Ghntlehbn:- Pleasesend me sixdozon Honey 'or onsupatlOIl, neauand Tar at once. I will say that within the _(,„ „„j R;iinii:nps! past two months I have had threo or fotir cases acné ana DlllOUSneSS. of Pneumonía, in all of whir-i I have tipcl your . n.„_ „„o. „fina Honey and Tar with the most gratiiying suoces3. IJOeb nol gripe. Yours tr'ily, J. C. BlSBOP, M. D. ACCEPT NO 3UB3TST-JT2 POR TKHSE SFLENDID MEDICINES. These medir;, ás arO for s?.o fcy -iits foiiowing first-class firms who are authorisea to recomrertd sni! gusrantes -=): Bassett & Mason, Ann Arbor, Lynch & Co.,Manchester, Kobert H. Killian, Ypsilahti, Will Curlett, Dexter, S. D. Chapiu, Salem, C. F. Unterkirclier, Saline, F. W. Schoen, MancL ester, M. S. Davenport, York, J. W. Abbott, Wh'ittaker, D. W. Cook, Fulton, H. W. Ballard, Willis, Dodge & Son, Whitmore Lake. G. U. Frye & Co., Eniery, J. ï. Berry, Worden.


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