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Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of WnBhtenaw, The uudersigned haring jeeu appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Comiuiesioners to receive, exauiiue and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons agaiust the estáte of Michael Cowan, late of said county, deceased, herebj give notice that six niontbs froui date are orderof said Probate Cou rt, for creditors to present tueir claims againstthe estáte of said deceased, and that tney will meet at the office of P. McKeruan, in the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor iu said county, on the 19th day of" September, and on the 19th day of December next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said daya, to ryceive, examioe and adjust said claims. Dated, June 19th, 1893. PATRICK McKERNAN, JOHN FINNEGAN. Coramissioners. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditionof a mortzase hearing date October lst, 1893, made by Christopher Comiskie un! Celina Comiskie, his wife, to Manly J. Furnum, and reeorded iti the office of the RetrUter of Deeds for Washtenaw County, in the State of Michigan, on tlie lst day of Öetober 18112. in Liber 80 oí Mortgasres, on page 313, it In-ing provided in .said mortgatre that in case of the nou-payment of interest the mortgagee could elect to consider the whole amount due, and default having been made in the pavment of interest, the rnortgagee hereby elects :o consider the whole amount due and payaDle; and on whieh mortgage there is claimed :o be due at the date of thte notice the sum of Four Hundred Thirty-One and Fifty-ElghtOne-Hundredths Dollars ($431.58), and no -uit orproceediugs at law having been instituted ;o recover the amount now remamingsecured :jy said niortgaire or any part thereof, notice is therefore herebygiven that on Saturday, the 29th day of July, 1893, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, there will be sold at the East front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and 3tate of Michigan, at public vendue, to the bighest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage. or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage as above set forth. with the interest thereon and the costs, charges and expenses aüowed by law and provided for ia said morttrage; said premises being situated in the Township of Northfield, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and described as followes, towit: The South half of the North-East quarter of the South-West quarter of Section Sixteen in Township One, South of Range Six, East, eontaining twenty acres; also the North half of the South-East quarfer of the SouthWest quarter of said Section Sixteen, contamina twenty acres of land Dated May 5th, 1893. MANLY J. FURNUM, Mortgagee. Thompson, Harriman & Thompson, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of William Buh, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order sranted to the undersigned, Mary Bush, administratrix of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probata for the County of Washtenaw, on the tenth day of July, A. D. 1893, there will be sold at public vendue, to tfie highest bidder, at the east f font door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in said ptate, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of August, A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale), the following described Real Estáte, to wit: The west half of the northeast quarter of section 22, and four (4) acres off the southeast corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of section 15, all in the Township of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan. MARY BUSH Administratrix. 31 o? 5 55 II !' o I P i ft S I1 Q Í S 21 S I ia 5 il 5 f i 9 ff è ü I 1 1 I Health is Wealth! Db. E.C. West'sNerve andBrainThreatment, a guaranteed speciflc for Hysteria, Diz ziness. Convulsiona, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakefulness, Menta Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence Each box contains one month's treatmem Ï1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mai prepaid on receipt of price. WËGC1R1NTEESIX BOXES Tocure any case. With each order rtceived by us for six boxes. accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to ref und the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Eberbach & Son, Druggists, Sole Agents, Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any case of LiverCotnplaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache Indigestión, Constipation or Costiveuess we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pilis. when the directions aie strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satlsf action . Sug ar Coated. Large boxes, contaming !W Pilis, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The icenuine manufactura! only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, 1LL. For sale by all drugg:sts. MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPRIETORS OF THE WESTERN BKEWERY, ANN A.RBOR. MICHBrewers of Pure Laser Beer.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News