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! Jij-;-;';.v.:;:'."' Mr. L. B. Hamlen, Oí Augusta, Me., says: "I do not remembe whenlbegan to take Hood's Sarsaparilla ; it was several years ago, and I have found it does me a great deal oí good in my decliuing years. I am 91 Years 2 months and 26 days old, and my health is periectly good. I have no aches or pains about me. Hood's Sarsaparilla regulates my bowela, stimulates my appetite and bclps me to leep well. I doubt ií á pieparatiOQ ever was made so well suited to the wants of old people. L. B. Hajilkn, Elm Street, Augusta, Me., Sept. 26, 1891. HOOD'S PlLLS aro a mild, gentle, painlo, ais and efflclent cathartic. Always reliable. THROUGH CARS TO NORTHERN RESORTS, Via the Favorite Detroit, Lansing & Northern and Chicago & West Michigan Scenic Line. Aii elegant new parlor car leaves Detroit at 7:45 a. m., arriving at Traverse City at 6 p. m., (stop for supper); Charlevoix, S.lö p. m.; Petoskey, 8:45 p. na., and Bay View at 8:55 p. m. Seats SI. A delightful trip through a beautiful country. Evening train, leavving Detroit at 6, has through sleeper, arriving at Charlevoix at 7:20 a. m.; Petoskey, 7:50, and Bay View at S a. m. Berths, $2. If you don't care to connect with these trains at Howell, take the M. C. to Grand Rapids, and then catch them at 1:40 p. 111. and 11:15 p. m. Or take the night train to Grand Rapids, and the day train from there at 7:30 a. m. Has a parlor coach to Bay View. Geo. DeIIaven. Drunkenness, or the Llquor Hablt, Positively Cured By AdmlnisterIng Dr. Heines' Colden Specific.. It is manufacturad as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea.orin food, without the knowledge of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmless, and will eftect a permacent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has folJowed. It never Fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becc mesan utter imposibüity for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of partieulars free. Address, Golden Speciüc Co. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnati, O. The Paris sewers are the largest and most comDlete of apv city. A Irew Certam Cure for Fiks. We do not intend to endorse any except articles of genuine merit; we therefore, take pleasure in recommending to sufferers from Piles in any form, a prompt and permanent cure. The following letters speak for themselves. Mrs. Mary C. Tyler, of Heppner, Ore., writes; One pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely cured me of piles from which I have suffered for years, and I have never had the slightest return of them since. Mr. O'Brien, Rock Bluffs, Neb., says: The pkg. of Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed every trace of itching piles, I cannot thank you enough for it. The Pyramid Pile Cure is a new, certain, painlesscure for every form of piles. It is safe, sure and cheap. Any druggist will get it for you in you ask him.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News