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The valué of a good name was well exémplified the otber day, when a man askecl one of our druggists for a bottle of Sarsaparilla. '"Whose?" inquired the clerk. "Whose? why, Ayer's, of course. Ye don't suppose I'm going to run any risks with Tlannah, do ye?" The fashionable girl:s mufP is scented. La Grippt. During the prevaleuce of the Grippe Ihe past seasotis it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery not only had a speedy recovery, but eseaped all of the troublesome af ter effects of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power In eííecting rapid cures not only in cases of La Grippe, but in all Diseases of Throat, Cliest and Lungs, and has carecí cases of Astlima and Hay Fever of long standing. ïry it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free Trial bottles at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co..Ann Arbor;ard Geo.J. Haussler. Manchester. To prevent the hardening of the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follices, which c mse baldness, use Hali's Ilair Reïewer. It is Strange ?hat people suffering from Piles will endure thera for years or submit o dangerous, painful, cruel, and ex)ensive surgical operations, when all the time there is a painless, cerain lasting cure, which gives instant relief and costs but a trifle. It is called the Pyramid Pile Cure and can be founcl at all drug stores. Any druggist will get it for you if you ask him. Love always takes off its coat when It ffoes to wo'rk. A STRAÍO CASE. How an Enemy was Foüed. The following praphic. statement w'.Il De read with intense interest: "I caunotdewTi ie thenumb, creepy sensation t&atexlsted Ín my arms, hands and legs. I had to rub and be; t, those parts until they were sore, lom frcome iu a measure the dead feeling tliat bad. taken uossession of them. Ín addition, I liad a strange weakness in my back and aiound;r.v waist.togetherwith an indescribible 'gono feeling in my stomach. Physieians saín ífc wascreeping paralysis, from whicli, accortíin" to their universal conclusión, there ís no refief Once it lastens upon a pereon.tney av, it continúes its ;lnsidlous prosrcss untll lt reaches a vital point and the sufterer dJes. Such was my prospect. I had been doctoi ni-' a year and a half steadily, but with no particular benefit, when I saw an advertisemeut of Dr Miles' Kestorative Nervine, procured :i bottle and began using it. Marvelous as t may seem, but a few days had passed bef ore "verv bit f that creepy feeling had left mo and there has not been even the sliglitest indication of its return. I now teel as well as I ever did, and have gained ten poundk in weight, though I had run down írom 170 to 137. Four others have used Ur. Miles' Restorative Nervine on my recomendat ion, and it has been as satisf actor y m their (;im"; as in mine."- James Kane, La Kue, U. I )r Miles' Restorative Nervino Is sold by all druegists on a positivo guáranle, ot sent direct by the Dr-iles Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind.. on receipt of price, $1 per bottle mx bottles for S5, express prepaid. It is freo frota ODiates or dangerous drugs. Sold bv Drugglsts Everywhere. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.


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