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IS YOUR BLOOD IMPURE? A. 3 you suffsrlng from any Kidney or Female Complaint? Hive you a Cough, Cold or any disease of Throat, Chest or Lungc ? la yoyr Liver performingf its functlons properly? If you have any of these complaints it will certainly pay you to try the medicines mentioned bèlow, whlch are warranted. A REMARKABLE CURE. . messes. foley & co., Chicago. wnme L5arsapanIIa Gentlemen :- I had a scrofulous taint or the blood from childhood. An ulecr beetui on t'.iu , . r, . side of the nose, having all the appearauc-.-s oí a 1 he mOSt pOWeriUl BlOOtt most malignant cáncer, became about the size of a silver dollar and ezuded a thin, otïensive matlleansei'. ter. The agony of mind I suffered cannot be rtescribed as I contemplatsd the progress of the disease. I was induced to try the Clmic Sarsaparüla ; it appeared to neutralizo the poison in the " l'J Z'" ...,. blood, the ulcer ceased. The diseased tissues USO IiniC ISjCiney UFe in the bottom and edges of the sove seemed to " loosen and the natural flesh to take its place. - Thus the cure continued until an even sr.rface Warranted lOr all KldneV remained. No part of the disease remanas. J Mes. h. b. adams, Comülaints. 1609 Wabash Ave., Chicago. vuipiauuo. SUFFERED 27 YEARS. Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111.. j-, writes, August lüth, 1691 : CAja,,ic Hrtf-7 alH I ar Messrs. Folet & Co. JpOiey S 1 lOneV allU M. at Gentlemen:- Your Kidney Cure is meeting with wonderful success. It bas cured some Cf%iCr Vflin cases here that physicians prouounced incur"UU8" -rJl"lf able. I, myself, am able to testify to its merits. My face to-day is a living picture of health.and WTrrnntprt thp Rpst your Kidney Cure has made it sneh. I had sufWarranieu ine DCiI. fered twenty-seven years with tho disease. and to-day I feel ten years younger than I did one year ago. I can obtain somo wondertul certiñcates of its medical qualities. what a phisician says. poley's Family Pilis Agnew, Ottawa Co., Mich,, Feb. 14, 1SSCÏ. Foley & ('o, Chicago. prr Pnn;tiníitinn Hpad- Gentlemen :-Please secl me six dozen Hotiey rOr Vüllbupdliuil, ncnu and Tar at once. I will say that within tho orhp ?nii RilioiisnPS"? past two mouths I have had three er four acné ana CSlllOUSnebb. oí Pneumonía, in all of which I havo used yoxir Dnps not orine Honey and Tar with Öusmoi.vgi-at.ifyinfc-bacie , uoes uuc ëuPcYours truly, J. C. Bisnoï, tí. L'. I accept tto 3US3TITUT5 fc t::íse sri.eNoio medicines. These tnsáíeí.ies ars fop r.a'.o by Uia fOl!owlng first-class firms who. ars authoriaeei io rocorr.manri nd ;."r!"-!ri-2 i "-". ï Bassett & 3Iason, Ann Arbor, Lynch & Co., Manchester, Kobert H. KUlian, Ypsilanti, Will Curlett, Dexter, 8. D. Chapin, Salem, C. F. Unterkircher. Saline, F. W. Schoen, 3Ianchester, M. S. Davenport, York, J. W. Abbott, Whittaker, D. W. Cook, Fulton, H. W. Bailare!, Willis, Iíodge & Son, Whitmore Lake G. (J. Frye & Co., Emery, J. T. Berry, Worden.