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. Nothing can be fsr said in favor of fc= -rr-iA the best medicine JKT" - F in the worM that r- 7 may not "d =Py{ -7 of the most .PnCsrN worthless. In one ♦ Wte?v casei t's true; in S V-mü'e other, it isn't: 1 Í ■ l - but how can T you distinguish ? Judge by what is done. There's only one slood-purifier that's guaranteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery- and this is what is done with it; if it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you get your money back. Isn't it Iikely to be the best ? AU the year round, as wel] at one time as another, it cleanses and purifies the system. All blood-poisons must go. For Dyspepsia, Süiousness, Scrofula, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, or any blood-taint or disorder, it is an unequaled remedy. It's the eheapest, too. Wíth this, you pay only for the good you get. And nothing else is "just as good." It may be better- for the dealer. But he isn't the ono that's to be helped. " Value received, or no pay,"- you can't get these terms with any other medicines, at any price. A grievance to a man is what a sore heel is to a bov. As an after-rtinnerrill,tostrengthen he stomach. assist digestión, and corect any bilious tendencies, Ayer'a Pilis are considererl tlie best. Being sugar-coated, they are as agreeable as nny confection, and may be taken by .he most delicate. How to Read your doctoras prescriptions. Send three (-cent stamos, to pay postage, and receive Dr. Kaufmanrï's great treatise on diseases; iltustrated in colors; it gives their signs and abbreviations. Addresa A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. A Fenrful Iientage. Gentlemen: My wife and babe. fonr;een montlis oíd, and a boy of fïve. lave snffered for ypars from heredtary sorofula or King's Evil, and would frequently break ont in sores. I lave employed tbe best plivsicians, bnt iound nothing to relieve them until I ried Hibbord's "Rheumatic Syrup. Flave used t'onrteen bottles. and find ;o my astonishraent tlie.y are entirely eured. Words pan not describe the valué of your medicine as a blood pnrfler. I sball recommend it to all who are troubled from impure blood. JOnN MUELLEKWEIS, JK., Dealer in groeeries and provisions, Alpenn,Micli Preparedonlyby The rilarles Wright Medicine Company, Detroi', Mich. For sale by all druggists. A RETIRED BUSINESS WOIAN. A Page From Her H story. The important experiences of others are interesting. Thefoflowlns Is no exceptlon "1 liad beea troubled with heart disease 25 years, muc-h of that time very seriously. For Bve years I wastreated by one physician continuously. I was in business, but obliged to retire on account of my liealth. A physUian told my friends that I could not live a month. My feet and limbs veere badly swollen, and I was indeed in a serious condition when a gentleman directed my attention to Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and said that nis sister, who had been afflieted with heart disease, had been cured by the remedy, and was aeain a strong, healthy womau. I purchasec a Ijottle of the Heart Cure, and in less than au hour after taking the first dose I coulc feel a decided improvementinthecirculation of my blood. When I had taken three doses ] could move my ankles, somethine I had not done for months.and my limbs had been swollen so lone that they seemed almost putrifled Before I had taken one bottle of the New Heart Cure the swelling had all gone down and I was so much better that I did my own worW. On my recommendation six others are takinzthls valuable remedy."- Mrs. Morgan 569 W. Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, adlscoveryof an eminent specialist in heart disease, is sold by all druggists on a posltive guarantee.or sent by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.,Elkhart, Ind., on recelpt of price, $1 per bottle, slx bottles for S5, express prepaid. It is positively free from all opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold bv Drugriflsts Everywhere. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.


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