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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. A NN ARliOR NURSERY-Fruit and orna■ mental trees. Peaoh and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry plañís, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring streel. FARM FOK SALE OR TRADE - I have a fine farm nearAnn Arbor. Willsell eheup or wiil tiike a email farm or liouse and lot as part pay. Por particular address, Box 1254, Ann Arbor. :l-:; ÜOR SALE.- Brick house at córner of South ümversity and Forest Aves. Inquire at the house. 't pOR SALE- Five acres on West Hurón i Street. Goood house, barn, orehard. JReautiful location. Win sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Hurón street Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf FOE SALE.- No. 8 Willard street, second door from córner, flrst block from campus, faces south. Priee present rent eapitalized at 10 per cent. Adüress, Mies Flora Oakley, or cali after4::jO p. m. POR SALE AND TÓsRENT.-Several sood ■ farms, farminff lanas and city propcrty, improvea and uniiiiproved, on verv easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Anii Arbor. PIANO TCNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Arcus office will receive his attention. T EFRIGERATOR FOR SALE.-Good one, AV Alaska, uil hard case, only been used two months. For sale cheap. Apply to Chas. H. Major, 48 Tbird Street. rpo RENT.-At No. 20 S. State St. A flat oí í súc rooms. Enquireat 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb A furnace, in g-ood order. Apply to Noh G. Butts, Room 18, Masonic BlookV TO RENT.-Whole or part of house córner of Jefferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, i: División St. I1TANTED.- Agents to sellthe fastest selling Novelty on the niarket. Send 25 cents for sample. Jig-Jas Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tf Summer MILLINERY OPENING Beginning MAY 17, Continuing all ■' Week. 350 hats already trimmed according to the latest styles. Everything in the line of milliuery that one could wish for. Five ladies, lncluding a first clase trimmer are always ready to pay the best aiteution to orders. Ladies, attend the opening: and buv vou hats before going to the WorM's Fair. 3VCK,S. jft.. OTTO, Cor. Washington and Fonrth Ave Estáte of Bridget Minock. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP i Washtenaw, ss, At a session of tbc Probnt Court for tbe County of Washtenaw, holden at th Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor o Tuesday, the 8th day ot Auuat, in the yearon thousand eisht hundred andninety-tbree, Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Jucfee of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Bridirct Minock deceased. William H. Ambler, the executor of the las will and testament of s-aid deceaaed, comes int court and represeuts that he is now jirepared t render his final account as sueh cxecutor. Thereuponitisordered, that Mon.1ay,the4th day of Spptember next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Deaasigned forexamining and allowing such ac couut, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said decsased, and h other persons in teresteri in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said court, then to be holden at th Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in sfclt County, and show cause, if any there be. why th said account should not be ailowed. And it i further ordered that said executor give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte ot the pendencj o! said account aud the hearing thereof by causing a copy of thin ordor to be published' in the Ank Aebor Anuue.anewspaper printed au( eirculating in said county, tlu'ee successive week previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (ATRL-ECOPV) Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Reiiister, r í CQ o = té & J;m il 2 % & 11 i g IS fi S; fi g 11; g i % pi g SiíS I í Ó s f 6 % ï Umi' M 41 P s h I a II f ! _J I I rflTniTTlLËGRAPHY r UR ni Wanted Young Men to leiwu Ubflllli Telegraphy in Our Offices rnd ecome Expert Operators. The Only Co. taking tudents. Write CITY TELEGRAPH CO., Owosso, Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News