Real Estate Transfers
Real estáte transfers for the week ending August i2th, 1893, furnished by the Washtenaw Abstract Company. Office with County Clerk at Court House. . Richard R. Watermann to r. L. Armstrong, lots 1 and 2, block 3 nortli, range 5 east, Ann Arbor city, $1,200. W. J. Randall to Willard B. Smith, 153 acres 011 section 22, Aun Arbor city, $6,000 J. V. Sheehan to Sarah J. Toog, lot and store 011 State St., Ann Arbor city, $8,000. Ch:is. Puller to W. II. Ostrander, partof section No. 1, Augusta, $100. Spencer D. Lennon to James JJoyle, s w i of lot 34 and n e i of lot 33, Travers addition, Ann Arbor city, $275. L. II. Baker to Leonard Wenty, lots 0 and 8 iu block 7 Normal park addition, Ypsilanti city, $230. M. Brenner to llenry Wolf, lot 1, section 1, Manchester, $300. Julia Gall to J. A. Muehlig, lot 17, block 2, Ormsby & l'age's addition, to Ann Arbor city, S-500. C. II. Kempf to F. and A. Mensing, lots 29 and 30, Chelsea, $750. John Lawson to Chester Scheltt, Augusta, $1,640.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Washtenaw Abstract Co.
Washtenaw County Clerk
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Richard R. Watermann
V. L. Armstrong
W. J. Randall
Willard B. Smith
J. V. Sheehan
Sarah J. Toop
Charles Fuller
W. H. Ostrander
Spencer D. Lennon
James Boyle
L. H. Baker
Leonard Wenty
M. Brenner
Henry Wolf
Julia Gall
J. A. Muehlig
C. H. Kempf
F. Mensing
A. Mensing
John Lawson
Chester Scheltt