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WANTED. FOR SALE, ETC. NN AK.BOR NTTBSE&T- Fruit and örna i mental trees. Pea-oh aud pear a specialtv Grape Tines, berry plants, etc. Price low Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Sprinjr street. ARM FOR SALE OR TRABE.-] havei fine farm in-ar Ann Albor. Will sell ohean or will t.'ike a small farm or house tnd lot as part pay. For partloulars ad dr ees, Box 1254 A 11 n Arllor. 3].3a ' FSOR SALE.- Rrick house at corner of South [,'niversity and Forest Aves. luuuire at the house. 34 FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron 6treet. Goood hou?e, barn. orchard. Beautif ui locatiou. Will sell on easy lerms. Apply to or ad-.h-L'ss E. D. Davis, West Huron street Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ttf OR SALE.- No. 3 Willard street, seeond door from corner, flrst block froin campus, faces south. Price present rent capitalized at 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flora Oakley, or cali after4:30 p. in. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several good farras, farniinsr land;, and city property, improved and unimproved, on very (';isy terms. Franklln L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Anu Arbor. PIANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wil! be in the city soon. Orders left attheARGDS office will receive his attention. EFHTGEKATOU FOK SALE.- Good 011e, AJaska, all hard case, only been used two months. For sale cheap. Apply to Chas. H. Major, 4S Third Street. rfO RENT.- At No. 23 S. State St. A flat of X six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. 28tf rpo RENT.- Furnished house heated with l furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G.Butts, Room 18, Masonic Bloek. TO KENT.- Whole or part of house corner of .Tefferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, 47 División St. WANTED.- Agents to sell the tastest sellinK Novelty on the market. Send25 cents for sample. Jig-Jag Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. öo-tf Summer MÏLLINERY OPENING Begizming MAY 17. Continuing all Week. 850 taate already trlmmed according to the latest styles. Everythlng la the line of millim.'i y that oue could wish for. Fiveladles, tncluding a 6rst chiss trimmer, are alwaya reudy to pay the best aitontion to orders. Ladies altend the openiner and buy your hats before go(ng to the World's Fair. iyCE.S. OTTO, Cor. Washington and Fonrth Ave H. KITREDGE, No. 6 west Ann Street. In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders for trains, pnrties, weddinjrs and funerals promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. WANTED. Q01CK, active man at once. Must speaJl GerrnaK and furnish references. SÍ8 PER WEEK. v The Chicago Publication and Lithograph Co, 194 Madison St, CHICAGO. ILL. PADUS CHEAP H K 191 V 20.000 ACBtS of firstim SA II "■ class MICHIGAN farm r .'""la ■ lands near railroads, in Alcona, ■ ■ Alpena and Monttnorency counties; soil, rich clay and gravel loams; H hardwood timber; well watered by springs and living streams; near churches, schools and lively towns. Price, 3 to 15 per acre. Easy terms. Perfect titles. T. S. SPRAGUE, 818 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch. ! 1 CQ = 5 M - p s L c - ! 2 'Si tí ? n w 3 I - fi S 'II f 3 g m =9 ft c z SS i 1 á 1 0 : a !? s i all f Rao c I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News