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Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works

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I OFFICIAL.! Office of Boakü of Public Works, j Ann arbok, August, li, I8iö. j Kegiilai' meeting. "ulied to order ly Pies. Keech. Koll called. Preoemt Mesérs Keecli and Mclntyre. Absent- Mr. Schuil. Minutes ol the pn-evious meeting read and approved. Tiue City Emgiiieer submitt#d the followinij; sidewalk grandes : Wasbtemaw avenue, north-east side, froan S. TJniversity -avenue to Hill et. Volland st, nortti and south sides, irom "W'ashtenaw nve., to Observatory st. 8. Tlunyer st.. east side, irom Washiniítoii to Hui-on streets. S. .State et., west side, Irom Faekard to Edwin streete. Packard st.. BOTith.-weet side, irom Hill to State street. Jlaa-y st,, east and weet sides, irom l'ackard to Edwin streets. W. lluron Kt., Boutli side, frorn Ashley to Third streets. Miller ave., ortli ide, i'rom Fotmtain to (Sventlli streets. E. Washington ut., north side, irom Thayer to Ingalls streets. N. División st., east and west sides, irom Huroin to Ann streets. N. Fii'th ve., west sido, from Oatharhie to Detroit streets. Willai-d st., eoiitai side, from E. Oniversity ave. o Churcli street . E. Uiiiversity nve., east side, ïroni Hill to Prostect streets. E. University ave, east side, from Ooilege to Willard eteeets. E. I.ilerty st., nortJi and soiith sides, irom Main stieet to Fifth ave. E. Ann Bt., somtli side, from Fourth to Fiiili avi-mics. N. Foiirtih ave., west side, from Ann to Oatfaarlne streets. E. Hut-om st., soutli side, irom División to Thayer stveet. Mary st., center grade oi street, froan Packard to Edwin streete. On motion of Mr. Keech tlie grades were approvod aiiil reeommended to the coünmoii council for approval. Mr. Keecli moved that the plat of Chubb street, submitted by City Eaigineer Key, ibe accepted and placed om file. ypas_Messrs. Keecto a.nd Melntyre. Mr Keédh inoved tliat the street coinimissidiiicr is jicrcby orderod to look up tibue partieK tliat are dumping rubbïsih at the eatit. eiwl of Maitlen Ijane. and ropo.rt to tlhis Board. Yeas- Messrs. Keeob amd Melntyre On motion tilie Board adjourned. Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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