
Torn Corbett has gone to Chicago. Amos Lohr left Tuesday for Chicago. Elmer E. Beal spent Sunday in Howell. Mrs. Anna L. Behr is visiting in Detroit. Miss Mollie Corson has gone to Petoskey. Fred W. Blake and family are at Mackinac. Mrs. Chauncey Orcutt is visiting in Toledo. Prof. Arthur Tagge has returned to Monroe. Gottlieb Stark went to Alpena last Friday. S. W. Curtiss leaves toraorrow for Big Rapids. Mrs. William Noble is visiting in Kalamazoo. Maj. Harrison Soule is back f rom Topinabeee. Mrs. Alvin Wilsey went to Chicago Tuesday. Jacob Volland went to the World's Fair, Tuesday. Judge Waples left for the White City, Tuesday. Mrs. T. A. Bogle has returned from Kansas City. D. F. Allmendinger went to Chicago on Tuesday last. Mrs. Lee, of Lansing, is visiting Mrs. G. W. Patterson. Myron H. French, of West Branch, was in the city Tuesday. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge are home from Grand Rapids. Mail Carrier Keith leaves today for Chicago on his bicycle. Evart H. Scott and family have returned from Old Mission. Prof, Richard Hudson returned this morning from Europe. Mrs. Quincy Turner left Tuesday to visit relatives in Chicago. Fred D. Coats leaves for Chicago and the Fair, next Tuesday. Prof. V. N. Spaulding returned from Battle Creek, Monday. Mrs. S. Rosenthaler and children have been visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Gayley Brown and daughter are visiting the World's Fair. Prof. and Mrs. I. N. Demmon are visiting the World's Fair. Rev. Charles A. Young returned from Indianapolis last Friday. Aid. An son Besimer, of Detroit, was in the city Tuesday. Charles Fantle, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger returned from Petoskey last week. Otto Reule and Charles Burg left for Lawrence, Kansas, Tuesday. Misses Josie Davison and Helen Salyer left for Chicago, Tuesday. Miss Barbara Schlecht returned f rom Buffalo, N. Y., Wednesday. Misses Beta and Louise Weinmann left Tuesday for the World's Fair. Dr. Corydon L. Ford returned yesterday from northern Michigan. Chas. H. Jones is visiting his daughter at Cedar Run, Michigan. Will H. Salyer was visiting the World's Fair the first of the week. Miss Maggie Cavanaugh left Tuesday for her school in Seeney, Mich. Rev. Henry Tatlock and family return from Massachusetts today. Mrs. H. J. Brown and children returned from Old Mission, Friday. Earl Ware has been spending part of his vacation this week in Detroit. Mrs. Charles S. Milieu and sou left for Chicago Tuesday morning. Prof. and Mrs. A. A. Stanley and daughter left for Chicago, Tuesday. Henry Kyer and Charles Kyer left Tuesday for Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Alexander Winchell, of Minneapolis, is visitmg Mrs. Olivia Hall. Misses Mary and Viva Duffy left Tuesday morning for the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear returned Tuesday from Beach Haven, N. T. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peterson are visiting the exposition in Chicago. Rev. Camden M. Cobern was at Mackinac Island the last of last week. Miss Emma Bower has been in Cassopolis and Grand Rapids this week. Miss Mattie Crookston, of Grand Rapids, is visiting at B. G. Crookston's. Miss Gertie Perry, of Olivet, is visiting at Mrs. Niles on Jefferson street. Miss Carrie Wahr and Miss Nina Wagner left Tuesday morning for Chicago. Judge E. D. Kinne and Mayor Thompson returned from ChicagQ, Tuesday. Charles M. Eddy, of Toledo, was called to Ann Arbor, Tuesday, on business. Mrs. M. Brenner and Mrs. Belle Werner left for Chicago Tuesday morning. Mrs. George W. Weeks and son are among the World's Fair visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, of North Lake, were Ann Arbor visitors, Taesday. Misses Kate Ortmann and Emilie Meyer are among the Chicago visitors this week. Jamès A. Case, of Washington, D. C, has been the guest of J. - E. Beal this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Wahr returned from the White Ciry, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Turner, of Trinidad, Col., have been visiting Jas. H. Wade. Seward Cramer was among the Evening News excursionists to Chicago this week. Misses Josephine and Mary Sidnea, left for a visit to the World's Fair, Saturday. Judge and Mrs. Goddard are expected tomorrow to visit Hon. and Mrs. W. G. Doty. J. Niêthammer left for Chicago, Tuesday. He will return by way of the upper península. Mrs. Prentice W. Barney, and children, of Burlington, Vt., are visiting R. C. Barney. C. T. Maines, one of Flint's prominent business men, was an Ann Arbor visitor Monday. Dr. L. D. White, of Detroit, was among those present at the funeral of Mrs. N. H. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Babcock returned from Waukesha and the World's Fair, Tuesday. Miss Carrie Bell left for Minneapolis, Wednesday, talking in the World's fair on the way. Mrs. H. H. Collamore and daughter, of Massachusetts, are visiting Mrs. Caroline D. Loving. Mrs. Charles F. Wade, of Jonesville, has been visiting at her fatherin-law's, James H. Wade's. Mrs. Dr. Wood returned from Detroit, Saturday, where she has been visiting Mrs. Dr. Collins. Rev. E. M. Duff left for his home in Waterloo, N, Y., on Wednesday evening, to be gone fora few weeks. Mrs. John Armbruster and daughter Laura, of Washington Street, left for the World's Fair, Tuesday raorning. Misses May Belle and Cora Martin, of Springfield, Mass., visited Mrs. S.'W. Beakes, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Brehm, Miss Lizzie Brehni and Miss Emily Gwinner leave tomorrow to visit the World's Fair. Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Pittsfield, with her daughter Sadie and soa Clair, are spending the week at the World's Fair. Misses Lizzie Hutzel, Emma Andress and Lucinda Lohr and Alfred Hutzel left for the World's Fair, Tuesday. Harry Watts, of Minneapolis, who has charge of the optical department in a large jewelry store, is visiting his parents here. James R. Angell, who had been in the city a few days since his return from Europe, left Wednesday to visit the World's Fair. Lieut. J. N. Hollis, professor of civil engineering at Harvard, who has been visiting Prof. M. E. f.nnlev. has returned east. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Lewitt, of San Francisco, Cal., have been visiting old friends in this city, where they formerly resided. Harris Ball, of Dexter, formerly postmaster at that village, has moved to Ann Arbor, taking up his residence at w}4 E. Liberty street. Mrs. Paul, of Montreal, who has been spending the sumrner at St. Andrews rectory left to meet her husband at Chicago, last Friday. Cari Miner, Tom. Cooley, John Rogers and H. W. Douglass left last week for a four weeks encampment a hundred miles north of Toronto. Mrs. A. B. Pomeroy, of Westmoreland, Kansas, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. W. W. Wetmore, left for her home Wednesday morning. Wm. W. Wederaeyer, wno nas been spending a few weeks in the city, left Wednesday for Kalamazoo, where he will spend a few weeks with relatives. Prof. and Mrs. Fred C. Clark, who have been spending the summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knight, have returned to Palo Alto, California. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Apfel and son, who have been visiting relatives in the city, left Sunday for their home in Anderson California, stopping at the World's Fair on the way. Herbert Watts, of Saginaw, is exIpected here tomorrow to visit nis mother. He will accept a position in Syracuse, N. Y., in charge of an optical department of a jewelr store. Dr. William Dunn, assistant to Dr. Nancrede, who went to Hart from Chicago, on the invitation of a former patiënt at the University hospital, has built up a large practice in Hart. Mrs. J. C. Allen and daughters Francés and Genevieve, accompanied by Miss Daisy Burke and guitar, are at Weidemann's grove Whitmore Lake this week. Miss Nellie Mingay joins them Friday.