The Annual School Election
The annual school election in the city of Ann Arbor, was held last Monday and considerable interest was manifested owing to the efïorts of the woman's suffragists to make a showing. Mrs. V. S. Perry was named by the womans suffragists to oppose J. T. Jacobs, with out her knowledge and when the fact that her name was being used, was made known to her, for obvious reasons, she withdrew from the contest. The name of Mrs. Olivia B. Hall was then written by the ladies upon their tickets. There were 102 women's votes cast out of a total vote of 416 and the election resulted in the election of the three members of the old board as follows: L. Gruñera; Dr. VV. B. Smith, 399; Jos. T. Jacobs, 344; Mrs. W. S. Perry, 40; Mrs. Olivia B. Hall, 26; Ottmar Eberbach, 2; Mrs. Israel Hall, 1. At the annual meeting held after the election there were only three citizens present besides the school board, clerks of election and reporters. The meeting unanimously voted a tax of $29,250 for school purposes and $100 for the school library.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News