Miss Grace Haven is in Chicago. Mrs. Conrad George is in Chicago. Samuel Krause left Tuesday for Boston. John A. Tice is visiting in Grand Rapids. Miss Grace Harm is visiting in Chicago. Phil. Schumacher left for Chicago on Tuesday. William Stimpson is back from Indianapolis. Theodore Reyer is visiting the World's Fair. Miss Hannah Stanger left for Chicago, Monday. Leroy Noble has gone to Pittsburg on a business trip. Miss Carrie Wahr returned from Chicago, yesterday. E. C. Robinson, of Saline, has removed to this city. A. L. Noble returned Monday from New York city. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell are back from Topinabee. Prof. F. C. Newbombe has returned from Germany. Prof. I. N. Demmon and family are back from Chicago. C. H. Ludlow, of Detroit, has been visiting in the city. Mrs. Thomas Taylor has been visiting in Detroit this week. Moses Seabolt and son left Tuesday for the World's Fair. Mrs. E. P. Calkins has been visiting in Brighton this week. William H. Winans is spending the week in Grand Rapids. Mrs. William Allaby is visiting the Exposition in Chicago. Mrs. D. M. Tyler is among the Chicago. visitors this week. Prof. A. A. Stanley and family have returned from Chicago. Miss Eva Jenkins, of Flint, has been visiting Mrs. B. F. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob Luick are spending two weeks in Chicago. Miss Mary Henne is visiting Mrs. Adolph Krause in Grand Rapids. S. D. Allen returned yesterday from Chicago and Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Petersonand son have returned from Chicago. Miss Emily Treadwell went to Müan, Saturday, to teach school. Mrs. Parris S. Banfield is visiting in Big Rapids and Grand Rapids. Dr. R. S. Armstrong, of Chelsea, visited A. J. Sawyer, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gwinner are spending two weeks in Chicago. Miss Susie Whedon goes to Battle Creek to teach in the schools there. Mrs. C. M. Jones, of Wichita, Kansas, is visiting Mrs. B. F. Watts. Herman Rayer and Charlie Rose left Tuesday for Chicago to visit the Fair. Mrs. Henry DePue and daughter Minnie are visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Pack, of First st., left for Chicago the first of this week. Dr, Flagg, consul at Ascensión, Paraguay, visited friends here last week. Dr. J. N. Martin left Sunday for New York, Philadelphia and Baltiinore. Hon. Charles H. Kline returned from Washington, D. C, Friday evening. Postmaster and Mrs. Eugene E. Beal are spending two weeks in Chicago. Col. I. R. Grovenor, of Monroe, was in the city, Wednesday, on legal business. Frank Vandawarker and George Barley left for the World's Fair Saturday. Mrs. Herman Hutzel and Mrs. Louise Wolpert left for Chicago, Tuesday. Judge T. M. Cooley and son Charles H. Cooley are in Chicago this week. Rev. Henry Tatlock and family have returned from Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Rev. Fr. Kelly and M. J. Cavanaugh attended the Catholic congress in Chicago. Miss Nina M. Davison has returned from a two weeks' visit in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Adams and Miss Emeline Pitkin left this week for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of Wichita, Kansas, are visiting at their father's Andrew Bell's. Mrs. B. S. Waite and children, of Menominee, are visiting at Densmore Cramer's. H. W. Everest, of Marión, Mass., has been visiting his brother, William B. Everest. Mrs. W. H. Serviss, of western New York, has rented the residfince No. 20 Jefferson street. She is here for the purpose of educating her children. Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Eberbach and two daughters left Tuesday for the World's Fair. Drs. S. A. Jones and E. A. Clark attended a homeopathie meeting in Saginaw, Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Kennedy has removed to the house on Fifth avenue vacated by S. W. Clarkson. Miss Alva Johnson, of Athens, Mich., spent Sunday with Mrs. E. E. Curtís and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Travis have returned from several weeks outing in Northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Mack have been spending a week with their daughter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Apfel and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Greenwood spent Sunday in Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eldredge, of Wayne countjvN. Y., have been visiting at Charles Spoor's. Fred V. Blake and family returned Tuesday night from a fifteen days' visit at the World's Fair. Rev. Ehnis and Miss Sarah Slay, of Saline, were the guests of Mr. Geo. Miller, on. División street. Frank N. Mosier, of Port Huron, formerly in Brown's drug store, has been visiting in the city this week. Mrs. Eliza S. Sinclair, who has been spending several weeks in the city, returned to Detroit last Saturday. Mrs. Annie M. Clark, better known here as Mrs. Mozart, of Waterloo, N. Y., is visiting in the city. Miss Edith Atkins left last Friday for Lansing, to resume her position as teacher in the high school of that city. Mrs. William G. Doty, accompanied by Judge and Mrs. Goddard, have been visiting in Homer this week. Miss S. Pettit, teacher in Alma College, St. Thomas, is visiting her sister, Miss Eva Pettit. They leave today for Cleveland. Edward Niethamer of the north sidei returned home last Friday after a ten days visit with his sister Mrs. A. B. Alian, of Clare. Rev. Mr. Tatlock, H. J. Brown and George H. Pond are attending the convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews, in Detroit. Misses Rockwell and Couch, of Richfield, Conn., who have been visiting Mrs. James N. Martin, returned home Friday evening. Mrs. Mary Locker, of Decatur, 111., has rented the new house of Nelson J. Kyer, on the corner of División and William streets. Misses Annie and Maud Muma, Minnie Boylan, Anna and Bettie McOmber and Grace Flagg lett Tuesday for the World's Fair. Mrs. O. M. Martin, Mrs. Helen M. Marshall and Mrs. Eugene Swindler were among the Tuesday excursionists to the World's Fair. Miss Pepple, of Brooklyn, N. Y., the new teacher of drawing, in the city schools, has arrived in the city and has commenced her work. Sid. W. Millard, E. F. Johnson, Charles Mills and Miss Emma E. Bower are attending the Great Camp of the Maccabees in Grand Rapids this week. Mrs. F. M. Richardson, of Utica, N. Y., has rented the new residence of William Burke, 37 South División street. She is here for the purpose of educating children. Miss Mildred Warren, of Hamburg, and niece, Miss Fanny Lound, of Fowlerville, who have been visiting the former's brother, O. J. Warner, of Huron street, have returned home.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Isaac Newton Demmon
Fred W. Blake
Emma E. Bower