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IS YOUR BLOOD !MPURE? Are you sufferins from any Kidney or Female Complaint? Have you a Cough, Cold or any d.sease of ThToat, Chest or Lungs ? Is your Liver lts functions properly? If you have any of these complaints It will certainly pay you to try the medicines mentioned pelow, whlch are warranted. .jri-01"" ,„ CUnicSarsaparilla Gentlemen:-! had a BCTofalous taint of t u blood from cbüdhood. A nuloer bagan on the _, n.t nr)VVPrfnl Rlnrtrt Bideöfthenose.havinKalltheappOaraiioesofa 1 ne mOSt poweriul DIOOQ most malifínaut cáncer, became abciut the sise ot r, a silver dollar and ezuded a thin, otïensive ïeansei . _ ter. Tho agony of mind I sutfered cannot be described as I contemplated the progress oï tiie 'fwas'induced to try the Clinic Sarsaparilla ; 0?Tc%rntTaiïliTedees Use Clinic Kidnéy Cure in the bottora and edges of tho sore seemed to loosen and the natural flesh to take lts place. ■ t-j„„ Thus the cure continued until an even surfacs Warranted TOr all K.ldney reniained. No part of the dUeaso reinains. ... Mas. h. b. adams. . Complaints. 1608 Wabaêh Ave., Cbicago. r SUFFERED 27 YEARS. Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111.. rp writes, August lOth, í.'l: l--klíii7'c H ÍM1PV Í111ÍÍ I ïV Messrs. Foley & Co. . HOiey S I lOuey dllU 1 tir Gentlemen : -Your Kkluey Cwro is meeting with wonderful Buooess. It has onrad somo COUCH SvfUD cases hero that physioians prononnced incurVUMo" J r able. I, myself, am able to teatify to its merite. yrevoa.íaIiSíad1vhf "Thi Warranted the Best. fered twenty-seven years with the disease, and to-day I fèel ten years yomiper thanl didone __ yearago. Icanobtain Eomo wondeirul cert:ticates of its medical qunlities. _, - what a phisícían sAvs. roley's Tamily Puls ignew, Ottawa Co., Mich., Feb. 14, 1833. F?E;;efoS,n.]TOeSiozenHoney For ConstipatiOt), HeadSaSSSihM acheandBiliousness. ofPnonmohia, inaUofwhfiil! Does not cnpe. ACCB?r ■_ SU - ■ ' " POR fKBSB SPL1NDID MEDICINES. Thote medicinM c: c? . fcüowing first-class fiems who ara authoriisd to ■ r ' ' ' ' ' 7" fantoe Jtf.i: Bassett & Mason, Ann Arbor, Lynch & Oo. Manchester, Kobert H. Killian, Ypsilanti, Will Curlett, Dexter, S. D. Chapin, Salem, C. F. Unterkircher, Saline, F. W. Schoen, Manchester, M. S. Davenport, York, J. W. Abbott, Whittaker, I). W. Cook, Fiilton, H. W. Ballard, Willis, Dortge & Son. Whitmore Lake. G. C. Frye & Co., Emery, J. T. Berry, Worden.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News