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Immense Sacrifice

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it is seldoia, Lf ever, thai the people nf IH-troit m 1 swmuridiKg towns havo siidi ;m opportunity fm1 buylng Clothii). Hats nuil KnmisMng Joods as is presented by ftoe baukrupt sale now In progii s 'it No. 4 Monroe avenue. The iiüxi iy of some of the oredltors to et their nionoy Ims made necessary ibis monumoiital sr.cvilice, and tlie lucky ones wil-.) have the prudence to avail tbjemselves of tlio uvfnl slaughter, will ïvüp -,i liarvest of bargalns hitherto utihcRi-d "f. Remember, this entlfe stock v;is all rnunufactured for fnll nnd winter trade by first-class houaes, and the company pledges üsrli to nmke every transactton satisfiictóry. Every article in this imïnense stock will be guaranteed os represen te& TÍie stock is so large in every departiupiit thai il seems impossiliU' tu ennitíerate niany of tlie barirains. bl :i few are selectetl and given below, jiKt to convoy a sltghi idea of the way the goods are belng sacrlflced. Cut out this pvice lit, bring it wlth yon. gó throujrh the different departments, couiiiare goods and prlces and satisfy yonrsolf whether or not the KQOds are belng sold as advertised: GLOTHING DEPT. Men's gnoil working suits, .$"2.40, former price, ÍT. Men's nlce business suits. $:;.:-;t. former prtee, $9. Men's elegant dress suits in cassimeres, cheviots, tweeds, sïntrl" md double-breasted and cutaways, $5.64; these saits formerly sold frote $12 to lt". Men's line ïmported clay worsted snits in Prince Alberts and cutaways, $0.87; these snits are dead chpap al $22. Meu's good worldng p:ints. 7!!c. farmer price $1.50. Men's business ;':;;lts' $1.37, former prico $2.00. Men's flne dress pants in faiuy stiijie, worsted and enssimeres, S'J.'.is. These goods are cheap at ST. Meu's heavy pvercoats, $285, worth $8. Meu's elegant overeoats in Meltons, Beavers and Kersèys, from ..". :;t to $)',. actual valué from SV2 to $20. Men's Storm Kiüg Clsters, $3.15; dead cheup at $8. Men's rubber coats, warranted waterproof, $1.83, worth $3.50. Boys' 'long pant s;its. from 12 to 18 years, $2.49, forniei' piice $6. Boys' Sunday sniis in cheviots and cassitneres. $3.87 foriner price $3. rhildren's school suits, 89c, formPr price, $2.50. Children's im" dn-ss suivs. .f-i.lö, former price s". Children's knee iants, 23c worth ó()c. Ciiildren's ili'ess knee pants. 19c, worth .Si.2.'.. Children's and boys" overcoatx in all latest cuts and patterns will dp closel out at prices far less th::n the cloih in them cost. Fi :;.is;íi.(í (oerns dept. Slen's suspender?, lic, worth 25c; men's good s'ml;s. 4 pairs t'or 25c; nie-n's fine Sdcks. 12e pair. worth '!."(; inen's line laundered white sbirts. 45c, worth $1; inen's tmlaundered shirts. 39c, '! for SI; men's good workins donaet shirts. 25e; inen's line Jersey shirts, 63c, worth .$1.50; men's winter anilerwear, 36c, worth 75c; uuu's fine cainel's hair underwear, 40c, worth 51.50; 1,000 dozen necktios, from 5c tó 35c, worth froni 25c to $1; 75 dozen racn's stitï and soft. hals. 59c, worth $1.50; 50 dozen fine stift hals in the latest styles, 96c, worth $2.30; overalls, 24c. wortih 50c; 300 dozen winter c;ips in wool ;nd silk plush, caps f rom 25c to 75c, wortli frora $1 to $2.50. The company offers a special inducernont: to parties liviii!.; ont of Detroit - Every person tfter innkjng i purchnsi' of clothüig to thi' nuiouiil of 12. will prescui tliis slip to the manager nul their railroad fare wil] Ij.' imid for one wáy; and to pureh:isers to the amount of ?18, bisor tare will to pnid both wmvs. Don't forgei tli" Qiiniber. 4 Moiiroe avenue, opposite the City Hall. Look for tlio Bilt Xellow Awnine.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News