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WANTED. FOR SALE, ETC. A NN ARBOK NURSEKY- Frmt and orna■-monta trees. Peaeh and pear a spocialty. Grape vines. berry plauts, etc. Prioe low. Jacob Ganzhorn. head of Spring street. t'OK SALE.- An old-fashloned matao'aiiy' -.ofa. 52 S. ThayerSt. LOK SALE.- Briokhoueeat corner of South ' l'niveríity and Forest Aves. Inqulrc J be house. 3t FOR SALE- At 74 East Washington St. Two folding beds wlth mattresses, one pair pilows, oue uommodi! with mirror, oue long ofaj one rocker, hall and banquet lamps. FOR SALE- Ftve acres on West Hurpm street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beauiful location. Will sell on easr term9. Apply to or addrese E. D. Daris, West Hurón street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ttf FOR SALE.- Xo. 3 Willard street, second door from comer, flrst block from oamus, faces south. Price present rent capitalzed ut 10 per cent. Address, Miss Flora Oitkley, or cali after4:30 p. ín. FOR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several zood farms, farming lands and city property, mproved and unimproved, on very easy erms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann rbor. ' L ADÍES' COLUMBIA BICYCLE for sale. very cheap. Inquire at 61 S. División St. ï OST.- A ladies' small pearl Swiss watch tJ and gold chain' on the roadbctween Saline ind Ann Arbor. Í5.ÜÜ reward will be paid for ts return toMrs. Eugerie Helber, Saline, Mich PIANO TL'NING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Argüs oöice will receive his attention. T O RENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of six rooms. Enquire at IS S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, Room 18, Masonic Block. TO RENT.- Whole or part of house corner of Jefferson and División Sts., suitable for roomers and boarders. A. M. Clark, 47 División St. IlANTED.- Ag-ents to sell the tastest selling ' Novelty on the niarket. Send25 ceats for sample. Jig-Jas Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tf Summer MILLINERY OPENING Beginning MAY 17. Continuing all Week, 250 hats already trlmmed aecnrding to tlie latesi styles. in the line of mllllnery that one could wish for. Five ladies, lndudlltg a first class trimmer, are alwaya ready to pay the best attention to orders. Ladies fittend tlie opening and buy your hats bufore golng to the World's Fair. dlï&S. J.. OTTO, Washington and Fourth AveH. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Aks Street. HÏIÏ,HMAfflBlELIÏE, lu the rear of Ernvard Duffy's groeery store. Hack to all traína, dy nd msht. Orders for trains, parties, weddliigs hd'! fuuerals promptlv attended to. Telephone, 1ÜS Aan 'Arbor ilicb. WANTED. QmCK, active man at once. Must speai Germán and furnish referenees. $18 PER WEEK. 3, The Chicago Pnblieation and lithograph Co, 194 Madison St. CHICAGO. ILL. CORN HARVESTING REVOLUTIONIZED. One Man Can Cut and Shock 3 to 5 Acres per Day. Best Results Ever Recorded. For a comparatively iue.vpensive tooi to do this, address, with stamp, I. Z. MESEIAJI, Whitewater, Wis TRUCKTstÖRAÖÊ C. E. GODFREY. Residence andOiïice, 46 Fourth Ave.. Noith Xelepliotte 82. J 1S VVILCOX AVE. "■ CfETROlT MiCK. ■ ! ytnn non and -vromen to m.ilntain themselves ïn 'once, save nioney and accimmlate wealth. Biineis ■ !. Penraanühip, Ei'lish and Mechanica! Drawing :i system of counting bnese actual busí i; :sir,._ss Unirerstty Enildincr. Illustmted Catalogue free. W. F. JEWELL, Pres't. P. R. SPENXHK, Sec'j HOGSThBOOíIÍ p Inconsequenceofárí'T Coim'SÈsli ri" acceP''ng American fork. J'itik'JJIHHií cnc aI a description of the T rP fameus O. I. C, KÓGS, 2,806 ss-wf ")S' tlle weiSht of First py.' ' . .- applicant gets a Pair cf pis V ;" 01 Time and an Agency. M& The L. B. SILVER CO., Cleveland, Ohio MICHIGAN Fïmïïê SEMINAR?. Fine Advantages in Musió and Art. A superior school. Number of students llmited. Passenger elevator. Steam heat. Certifícate adniits to Universtty of Michigan without examination. Opeus Sept. 14. Send for catalogue No. 30 for full particulars. LOUISE B. SAMPSON. Principal, Kalamazoo. Estáte of Charles H. Richmond. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT OF Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Othce in the Citv of Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday. the 20th day of September, in the year one thousand eigbt hundred and ninety-three. Present. J. WUlard Babbitt, Judjre of Probate. nln the matter of the estáte of Charles H Richmond, deceased. 'Amy H. Kiehmond, theadministrator of saic estáte, comes into court and represent! that she is now prepared to reader her tinal account as such administratorr Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 17th day of October next at 10 o'elock in the forenooii, be assigned for examininy and allowinjr such account, and thai the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and allother persons inrerested iu said estáte, are requlrec to appear at a sossion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the City ol Ann Arbor in said Oounty, and show cause U any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And ir i further ordered that said administrator give notioe to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendenoy of said account, and the henriLiü thoreol, bv oausing a eopy of this order to be pabllshed in the Ann Arbor AVgus, a uewspaper l)i'intcd and oirculfttjnfr in said county, tiiree S'iceessive weeks prevloua to said day'ot hearJ. WILLA11D EABBITT, Judjío oí Probuto. A true copy.l Wm.G. Dotv, Probate Resistor.


Ann Arbor Argus
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