Burglars In The City
Burglars weie at work in tbis city last Suuday eveniug. They entered tlnee places and secured considerable booty. At the hardware store of Schumacher Bros., on Main street, they opened the safe and secured about $30 in money. They entered the store of Wadhams, Eyan & Keule, through a back door, and stole an overcoat, and probably some other goods. They also entered the residence of Stephen D. Allen, 90 East Washington street, through a bedroom window and stole about $200 worth of goods from two ady students who were rooming there, including a lady's gold watch and chain, a diamond ring, $4 in money and other articles. It behooves everyone to be caref ui about how they leave their rooms open, as it rnay be accepted as a fact that these burglars are vet in the city and will soon be heard from again.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News