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High State Taxes For Washtenaw

High State Taxes For Washtenaw image
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The state tax for Washtenaw county this year amounts to $52,980 22, an increase of $14,046.38 over last year and $13,355.2-5 over the year before. The state tax is apportioned as follows: General purposes $26,144 25 Military purposes 2,297 72 Soldiers' Home, current exp. 2,263 27 " building.... 41151 Normal School 1,374 70 State Public School 1,050 30 Agricultural College 462 61 Industrial Home for Girls. . . 972 05 Industrial Home for Boys 1,604 86 University 5,166 67 Mining School 1,508 85 Michigan Asyluru 1,234 51 Eastern Michigan Asylum . . . 1,261 95 Northern Michigan Asylum . . 1,522 57 Asylum for Criminal Insane. 172 15 School for the Blind 713 27 State House of Correction ... 205 75 School for Feeble Minded 1,371 58 Asykmi for Insane. U. P. . . 1,028 76 Locating Positions at Chickamauga 54 87 Publishing Proceeclings Poor Superinteiulents : . 2 06 Recompiling Records Adjutant Genera] 's Office 109 73 State Board of Health 54 87 World's Fair 685 84 Agricultural Institutes 27 43 Fish Commissioners 792 83 Total State Tax $52,980 22 The increase in the tax for general purposes over two years ago was $11,990.38.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News