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"nora Machree."

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-Nora Machree" has taken the country by storm. HenryN. Ilenderson has given this great romantic play a fine scenic production, and deserves the success which has crowned his business sagacity and lavish outlay. The theatres everywhere are packed with audiences most enthusiastic, who are completly carried away with the beauties of the pretty play. The success of "Nora Machree" is not to be wondered at, as Mr. Henderson has utilized every essential to make the produetion pleasing. A bright galaxy of artists give a liviug representation of stirring eyents, every ïnernberof the company being peculiarly adapted for each distiuetive part. ' Interspersed throughout the play a nutnber of unique and novel specialties are cleverly introduced. Songs and choruses, and graceful dancing, together with beautif ui panoraniic scènes, are also interwoven in a most delightful and pleasing manner. Without the least doubt the appearance of this successful play here will meet with a hearty reception. To see the famed team f Shetland ponies, the stnallest of their kind in the world, are in themselves alone well worth the price of admission. These little mites are great favorites with the children. At the Opera House next Tuesday even int;.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News