County And Vicinity
Sorgum syrup is made around Manchester. Manchester nimrods had a big hunt yesterday. The paid admissions at the Ypsilanti races numbered 1,900. Major Clark, ofjjWhitmore Lake, killed two bald eagles recently. Beans around Chelsea yielded from three to ten bushels an acre. Ernest Smith, of Sharon had an overcoat stolen at the World's Fair. Milan sent thirty-seven people to the World's Fair, last week Thursday. Twenty-one people took the train at Manchester for Chicago last VVednesday. The South Lyon elevator has been taking in 500 bushels of beans per day. Miss Nora Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, is teaching music in Wyoming and left for that state last Tuesday. William Lewis, formerly of the St. James in Ann Arbor, has leased the Occidental hotel in Ypsilanti. Mrs. C. V. N. Gregory, of Dexter, feil on the steps of her residence Saturday evening, and dislocated an elbow. Harry Gilmore and Miss Minnie Wartz, of Ypsilanti, were married Monday and took a wedding trip to Chicago. The Ypsilanti council have decided to clean up tne old opera house ruins to prevent danger from falling walls. The barn of Alvira Baldwin, of Iron Creek, burned on Tuesday of last week. It was insured in the Southern Washtenaw Insurance company. A sum of money was found in the streets of Manchester and the finder advertised the fact in the Enterprise. Diogenes would not have needed a lantern to find an honest man in Manchester. The best time made in the Ypsilanti races was by Brown Frank, who paced a mile in 2:21. This is the best time ever made on the Ypsilanti track. The World's Fair visitors who went on the Evening News excursión from Ypsilanti last Tuesday numbered 108. At least $5,000 went out of Ypsilanti.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News