Mrs. Jane Kingsley has had her house repaired and painted. Luke Brooks has been spending the past week with O. A. VVaite. Miss Hattie Kief, of Ypsilanti, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Nestell. Mrs. Bridget Ryan, of Detroit, is visiting her sister Mrs. James Kelly. Will Hough arrived in town last week and will make his parents a visit. The last few frosts have done considerable damage to the peach orchards. Our electric lights are on the sick list. Kerosene lamps are in great demand. Miss Julia Kirchhofer spent a few days of last week in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Quite a number of our town people went to Adrián last week to attend the fair. Guy Sherwood and wife, of Iowa, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sherwood. Rev. J. L. Hudson, of Detroit, was in town last week visiting his sister, Mrs. M. D. Case. Mrs. E. S. Jaynes went to Chicago last week to visit the World's Fair, for the second time. Geo. Torrey and Geo. Servis went to Ann Arbor to resume their studies in the dental department. Henry Kirchhofer, who is in Detroit, came home last Saturday to spend Sunday with his family. Miss Grace Smith, who is teaching in the Union school, spent Saturday with her parents at Saline. Fred Blosser and sister, of the Enterprise office, are in Chicago visiting friends and viewing the World's Fair. Rev. Yokum, the new Methodist minister, preached at this place last Sunday. There was a good attendance. Miss Kitty Cahill, of Tiffin, O., and Miss Mollie Boylan, of Kalamazoo, are visiting their únele, N. Hough. Miss Louise Payne went to YpsiIanti last Friday, to attend the teachers' examination, returning Monday. The rain we had last Saturday has greatly benefitted the farmers, so they can prepare their fields for late sowing of wheat. Misses Julia Martin and Francis Logan drove to Chelsea last Friday and spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Freeman. C. Gumpper, who is 76 years of age, and grandson Albert, went to Chicago last Monday to visit friends and attend the World's Fair. George Johnson and wife, who have been spending their vacation in Manchester and vicinity, returned to Ann Arbor the first of the week. Thos. Moran, who has for some time been in Minnesota, is in town, making his parents a visit before going to Baltimore to attend Johns Hopkins university. A gloom of sadness was cast over the entire community last Sunday on hearing of the death of Postmaster Nestell. He had been ill for some time, although death came sooner than expected. The funeral was held at the house last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Nestell was a much esteemed citizen. He leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his loss.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News