wal We have received our Large Stock of New Spring designs. Priees Greatly Reduced. Best Papers at 5 to 6 Cts. a Roll. Heavy Whites at 7 to 8 Cts. a Roll. Fine Gilt Papers at 8 and 10 a Roll. Embossed Paper at 12 to 15 Cts. a Roll. Best Stock in the city lo select from Good Window Shades, all complete, on spring Rollers, at 25c each. Particular attention given to Paper Hanging and Decorating. Opp. Court House, Main Street Ann Arbor. EEPOET 01 THE CONDITIOU OF THE w i mm m - AT- AiiJi ARBOR, MICHIGAN', At the close of businesa, July 12, 1S93. KESOUKCES. Loans and diseounts $267,023 29 Stocks. Bond and Mortgages, etc 87,715 07 Overdrafts 3,530 75 Dnefroni banka !n reserve citlea 17,362 84 Oue froni other banks and bunkers 2.069 50 Puefrom Washtenaw Co 1,315 14 Furnitureandflxtures 2,000 0!) Current expenses and laies puid 25 60 Interest paid 3S7 38 Check and cash items 3,640 27 Ñickels and pennies 21948 3old ooin 10,350 00 coin 1,983 20 CT.S and National Ujnk Xct s 13,588 00 Total 11.009 52 LIAiJILITIES. Capital atock paid i $ 50,000 00 Surplusfund 20,000 60 Uudivided proiits 5.7S6 08 Divjdends unpaid 1S5 50 ItidiTidual deposits 99,979 0a Gertiflcatesof doposit 152,948 59 Savings depositi 82,20033 Total $411,099 52 STATE OF MICHIGAN, Counly of Vashtenaw, ssI, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the above named bank, do íolemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Cashier, Correct- Attest . Ambrose Kearney. ) W. F. Bbeakey, Directors. Edward Dufft, I Subscribed nd sworn to before methis 19th day of July, 1893. H. A. Williams, Notary Public.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News