The Elixir Of Youth
is Liíe woplh Livinn?. It Is not i f jon are not la possesslon of the feil üoulties for enjoylng it. We offer to ihe public a true aud trusty lemedy, the ELIXIR OF YOUTH, A positive, speedy, safe and rellable scientifl? compound, nianufactured ouly by skille'l chemistó, irom the prescnpüon of a Qtrman pliyslcian of world-wicle lame. We guarantee thls Elixir to restore the "?:tality of youth to those who are sufte 'Ing fr;.m tha abuses so coramon in thls age. I' í a positiva cure for Spermatorrhea, Loss of Pover, i-ight. Emissions aod all Seminal Weakuess. Wi publish no names, but have on file 6worn teHi.irno nlals of the wonderful results produced by this elixir, whlch we are authonsceu 10 suow on application ot anyone requlring such a medicine. BE A MAN AGAIN. We eharge no exhorbitant price, nor do we offer you quaek nostrum.but a legitímate nd seienuflc preparation, whlch will surely do all we claim for lt. The Elixir Is put up Ín 4 oz. boules and retalls for 11.00, or 6 for 15.00. Thts valuable remedy wlll be found on sal by all leading druegists. Each druggist has on file sworm testimoniáis of the wonderful curas preduced by thia Elixir, and the proprletors confidently refer all In need of it to them. The Germán HospitahRemedy Co., Grand Rap'ds. & For Sale by all Druggists. C. LBLRBACH &. SONS Agenta. fSgm
Ann Arbor Argus
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