Going To Buy A Watch?
If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. Tjje oníy thief-proof Watches are those with yr A Here 's the Idea : I # ÍJT] The bow has a groove tujg I I on each end. A collar V I it H II runs down inside the Xjflp 'Ík pendent (stem) and ssx fits into the grooves, .(fcsaK,. firmly locking the vV-- 7 - bov to the pendent, s 'j ' 'ÍJN so that cannot be Í?A ' 7 pulled or twisted off. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see that the case is stamped with this trade mark. tfWï) It cannot be had with any other kind. 3tt Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPH1A.
Ann Arbor Argus
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