A Young Girl's Fortune
AN 1NTERESTING SKETCH. Nothing appeals so strongly to a mother's affection as her daughter just budding inlo woraanhooá. Following is an instance: "Out daughter, Blanche, now 15 years of age, had beenteiTibly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. She wan insueh acondition that we had te keep her f rom school and abandon her music lessons. Intact, we feared St. Vitus dance, and are ptwltive but for an Invaluable remedy she woald hare had that terrible afniction. We n iomployedphysicians, butshereceived 110 benofit from them. The first of last August ei fhed but 75 pounds. and although she has taken only three botties of Nervine she qow weij-'lis IK) pounds; her nervousness and symptoms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, sno, attends school regularly, and studies with comfort and case. She has recovered complete use of her arm, her sppetite is splendid, and no money could procure for our oaughter the bealth Dr. Miles' Nervine has brought her. SVhen my brother recommended the remody I had no faith in patent medicines, and wouïa not listen to him, but as a last resort he sent us a bottle, we began giving it to Blanche. and the effect was almost immediate."- Mrs. R. R. Bullock, Brighton, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is sold by all flrugeists on a positive puarantee, or sent airect by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, nd., on receipt of prlce, fl per bottle, slx bottles for 35, express prepaid. It is positively iree from opiates oc öangerous drugs. Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News