Special Sale
- OF- Housekeeping and -AT THE- OU RELIABLE DRY GOODS HOUSE. 25 doz. Hemstitclied, Huck Towels (Red Blue and Plain White Borders) for this sale, $2.50 per dozen; reduced from $3 00. 25 doz. Oat Meal Weave Towels, very large and all linen, at $2 50 per dozen, reduced from $3.00. 25 doz. Fringed lïuck Towels, largest size and extra quality, for this sale $2.50 per dozen, never sold less than $3. 00. 10 doz. Cream Damask Towels. $175 per dozen, regular price $2.25. 25 doz. Huck Towels, medium size, heavy weight, for this sale $1.25 per dozen, worth $1.60. 50 Best Quality Crochet Bed Spreads at $1.00 each, regular price $1.25. 40 American Marsellcs Bed Spreads at $l.2o each, always sold at $1.50. 40 doz. % All Linen Napkins, extra fine and heavy, 1.50 per dozen, usual price $2. All grades of Cream and Bleached Table Linen at special prices during this sale. Special prices on all Counterpanes, Napkins, Tray Cloths, Carving Cloth and Doylies, during this sale. White and Colored Lunch Cloths at attractive price during this sale. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting at jobbers' prices during this sale. 150 pieces of Stevens' best American Crashes, at manufacturers' prices for this sale only. SPECIAL SALE OF Glffi N1GHT SHIRTS They are the Famous Faultless Brand, the best goods in the market, at an extreme low price. We are the sole agents for the celebrated Pearl Shirts, the best arlicle in the market, unlaundried, $1.00, laundried $1.10. Closing out all Summer Goóds, all descriptions, at very low prices. Cost CutS no Figure. This sale will be of vast importance to people fitting up rooms for students. Give it your attention and profit thereby. BACI & nOiTB, 26 S. Main St.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News