Maccabee Notes
Johnson tent now meets weekly. Commander Johnson made his report at the last meeting of Johnson tent. Miss Bower, great record keeper, 'j. O. T. M., opened her office in the riamilton Block this week. As the cooler weather comes on there is a much better attendance at the meetings of Arbor Tent. The Hive did not hold a meeting Tuesday night, the hard rain preventing a quorum from being present. The executive committee of the Great Hive of the Lady Maccabees are in session in the office of the Great Record Keeper in this city. Wolverine Tent No. 77, K. O. T. M., of Vpsilanti, dedicated a new hall last Monday evening. The reception rooms, parlors, and lodge rooms have been handsomely decorated and the Ypsilanti tent now boasts of having the finest rooms in the state. Past Great Commander D. P. Markey and Great Record Keeper Boynton were among the guests and made speeches as did Chairman Sullivan and M. T. Woodruff. Mr. Markey presented the tent with the banner, for the largest gain in membership during the past year - 76, and the banner was accepted by Sir Knight Frank Shann. Solos were rendered by Frank Smith, Miss Jessie Farnham and Ed. Wallace, and a reception was held after the exercises which lasted till a late hour.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News