Grand Opera House
Saturday, October 7. "If Case; Dances Vil blow the Gas out." Tue Flumed Knights ot' Comedy. Murraj and Mack, Prosentins to the people a brand new Irish Comedy. "FIIIGAI'S BÁLL" Bripht as a New Dollar. Sparkling Speeialties, Giíííiiinj: Girls, Sweet Singintr. clever C'omedians, Special Scenery. A GRAND PERFORMANCE. EVERYBODY INVITED. Reservad seats on sale at Watts' Jewolry Store PRICF.6- Reserved seats, 75c; admlssion, Parquetteandflrat row Parquette Clrcle, 75o: Parquette Circle back oí (irst row, 50o; Gallery, S5 ceñís. 1grand"öpëra"höusë TÜESDAY jp, OCT. 10 Erin's Nightingale CLARA COLEMAN In the Picturesque Irish Drama Nora Machree WITH HER 1WO GENUINE IRISH PONIES. Diamonds of Irish Wit. Rubíes ot Song. Emeralds of Dance. Reserved s.;ts on sale at Watts' Jewelry store. PRICES: Reserved seats, 75c; Admission - Parquette and first row ín Parquette Circle, 75c ; Parquette Cirde, back of first 10W, 50c; Gallery, 35c,
Ann Arbor Argus
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