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Golden Opportunity

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SILVER PRICES! BEGINNING Saturday BTorning AND CONTINUING FOR SEVE1T SALE DATTS, OR FROM Sept. 23d to Sept. 3Ot]a, INCLUSIVE. E. F. MILLS & Cl., Will offer to tli e people of this county such an opportiiuity to purchase Dry Goods, Carpets aad Cloaks, at reduced pnces as will not present itself again for many along day. Our FALL STOCK, selected by us in New York during the past fortnight, surpasses anything --ver sliown in Ann Arbor before. We desire every one to sen anl ippreciate the good things we have beeu enabled to secure. Times were hard, and New York merchants anxious to Bell. We bought at prices entirely satisfactory to ourselves, and in turn propose to sell at prices which will be moee than satisfactory to the buying public. We know of but one way to secure rouR attcntion and that is to offer such inducements as will positively compel you to drop in during this " Seven Day Sale." Chances to make large sums of money at one fell swoop come rarely, but opportunities to make it little by little come every day. This is such an opportunity, and a thousand people ought to take immediate and enthusiastic advantage of it. 2O S. ZMI-A-IlSr STEEET.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News